Welcome! Please help yourself to refreshments Wifi: Conference Hall Password: nortonpark #SMHA1920
Housekeeping Agenda Fire exits / Fire alarms Toilets Smoking area – car park Access breaks throughout the day Photographs Keep papers safe PowerPoint presentations NUS Scotland staff Questions box Hashtags #SMHA1920
Getting to know you #SMHA1920
This activity is all about getting to know everyone on your ‘team’, or those on your table. 1. Go round the table and introduce yourselves 2. Using the contact sheet, find out more about people in your field! 3. This contact sheet is for you to take home. It’s a new network for you to rely on whilst you’re completing the project. 4. Have fun! #SMHA1920
Healthy Body Healthy Mind Award 2019/20 Stew Fowlie Scottish Student Sport #SMHA1920
Wait…a Student Mental Health Agreement is what now? #SMHA1920
What is a SMHA? Brings the Student Associations and institution together in a formal agreement to work jointly on mental health issues on campus. A SMHA is an action plan, that brings together everything the institution is doing to improve student mental ill health in one, clear, easy to read document. Developing a SMHA has now been included in all college and university outcome agreements so it is something colleges and universities will be required to develop.
What is a SMHA? (cont) The SMHA can focus on a wide variety of topics and it is up to those working on it to determine what these are. It encourages staff to consider a range of improvements, which could have a positive impact on the staff and student experience. Our role is to help institutions to develop, monitor and communicate the work. Ensuring the student voice is at the heart of the work. No two SMHA’s are the same, the project encompasses the wide variety of student needs and institution differences.
SMHA timeline JULY Attend launch event JULY/AUG Sign up to take part in the project for 2019-20 SEPT/OCT Do mapping exercises of all current wellbeing provision. OCT/NOV Decide on working areas based on feedback, current support and priorities JAN Submit your draft SMHA and receive feedback Staff & officers have access to free training, workshops & resources MAY Attend the student mental conference MAY Submit the end of year report on the provided template You now have a clear outline of how to tackle student mental ill health at your institution.
Our support offer: 1:1 Consultancy support throughout the year, this could include advice on working area’s, engaging with students, promoting and monitoring the work etc. Access to a range of free resources that will help you to develop the document. Access to free training including Scotland's Mental Heath First Aid training. Invited to Think Positive events where you’ll hear examples of best practise across the sector. Access to free resources to help you to engage with students. Opportunity to apply for a small grant. If you use the project hashtags we’ll share your work! #SMHA1920
Small Grants Scheme We want to support you in launching a new project, a new campaign or the trial of a new idea! What is it? We are offering up to £250 to up to 10 HE and FE Institutions, by application. Who can apply for it? Any institution who is currently working on a SMHA. When does it start? Applications open in October and close in January. Awards will be decided by a panel and be shared during February. We will ask you to feed back during your End of Year Report in June. #SMHA1920
Katie Gowing Support institutions that take part in the project on a 1:1 basis. Manage the SMHA project and Think Positive team Review the SMHA’s and provide improvement suggestions. Write project reports to the funders. Oversee project finances #SMHA1920
Reena Staves I work on the social media, comms and event planning side of Think Positive I run the social media channels and write/source blog posts Planning on launching a quarterly newsletter I plan events like this! Organise training opportunities, such as Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid Look out for comms around this in August! Organise Student Mental Health Agreement Project Advisory Group Send out resources Design resources #SMHA1920
Jessica Smith I support the development of the Think Positive Project through the following strands of our work: Coordinating and launching the Small Grants Scheme Organising the Student Mental Health Conference in May 2020 Working with external organisations to build relationships and support best practise #SMHA1920
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland SMHA Showcase Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Jasmine Munns #SMHA1920
Lunch, stalls & exhibition #SMHA1920
Panel discussion North East Scotland College South Lanarkshire College #SMHA1920
Can you give us some background on the development of your Student Mental Health Agreement? #SMHA1920
Have you noticed any differences in the way your institution focuses on mental health and wellbeing since taking part in the project? #SMHA1920
Both institutions have focused on supporting vulnerable student groups within their Student Mental Health Agreement. Can you talk a little about the work you did here? #SMHA1920
Last year both of your institutions took part in the project for the first time. What have been some of the challenges you’ve faced? #SMHA1920
What piece of advice would you give to anyone taking part in the project? #SMHA1920
If you want to take part please head to the entrance! Photo opportunity If you want to take part please head to the entrance! Reena #SMHA1920
Edinburgh Napier University SMHA Showcase Edinburgh Napier University Jon Fraser #SMHA1920
Break Back at: 1:55pm #SMHA1920
So, how do we actually create a SMHA?
Who can help you with this? Identify institutional staff, Student Association officers and students who might be interested in working on this. Sometimes those with the following remits can be good to get on board! Student Voice Wellbeing Counselling HR Health & Safety Physical Activity #SMHA1920
Think about… Briefly list what is currently available (services, campaigns, activities, polices – anything that could fall under the ‘wellbeing’ umbrella) What changes do students and staff want to see? Think about conversations you’ve had, student and staff feedback etc. What are your priorities for this year? Could the SMHA be used to help drive some of these Do you know of anything else that is being developed this coming year which could be included? #SMHA1920
You’ve taken the first steps to create your SMHA for 2019/20! Share the list you have created with those at your institution and ask them to contribute to it. Get in touch to set up an initial meeting with us Read through the project resources on the website to help you develop this further. #SMHA1920
Any questions? #SMHA1920
Next steps Sign up to the project today! 2. Search the Facebook group, search for: Student Mental Health Agreement Project 2019/20 3. Follow us: Facebook: @thinkpositiveNUS Twitter: @ThinkPosNUS www.thinkpositive.scot for project resources and ordering freebies! 4. Fill in your feedback form #SMHA1920
Events for the diary Big Uni forum: https://event.nusconnect.org.uk/nusevents/detail/278/1565168400000 The Gathering: https://event.nusconnect.org.uk/nusevents/detail/277/1567033200000 W/C 11th May: Student Mental Health Conference #SMHA1920
Speak to a member of staff! We’re happy to help THANK YOU! Any questions? Speak to a member of staff! We’re happy to help Email us at ThinkPositive@nus-scotland.org.uk #SMHA1920