By: Connie Elaine D. Gumacal Mary Leen Pearl Gonzales IV- Einstein
The study entitled THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVISED INCUBATOR FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CHICKEN EGGS. HEAT SOURCE: MAHOGANY had focused on improvising an incubator from used can of cooking oil that uses dried mahogany fruit as a source of heat. Two treatments were used namely: Treatment A: commercial incubator or the control and Treatment B: The improvised incubator. Twenty two days of incubation was done in the treatment using 12 pieces of chicken eggs. The results were determined through the number of hatched eggs and rotten eggs after 22 days of incubation. The average hatched eggs of treatment A after 2 replications are 10.5 hatched eggs and 1.5 rotten eggs. The average hatched eggs of treatment B after 2 replications are 9.5 hatched eggs and 2.5 rotten eggs. Two replications were done for each treatment. Based on the results, there is no significant difference between an improvised incubator and a commercial incubator. The improvised incubator is effective in incubating chicken eggs. The researchers recommend the use of an improvised incubator that uses waste materials as a source of heat to make a small poultry business.
Days today our nation was suffering from food crisis. One of the main problem now in our country is hunger. People were experiencing lack of food production. This will cause to malnutrition. And if this problem could not be solved in the future this might cause diseases which results to death. This Improvised Incubator may help increase food production. This device used to grow and maintain microbiological cultures or cell cultures. The incubator maintains optimal temperance, humidity and other conditions such as the carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen content of the atmosphere inside. Incubators are essential for a lot experimental work in cell biology, microbiology, and molecular biology and are used to culture both bacterial as well as eukaryotic cells. Incubators are also used in the poultry industry to act as a substitute for hens. This often results in higher hatch rates due to the ability to control both temperature and humidity.
The study entitled The Construction of Improvised Incubator for the Production of Chicken Eggs. Heat Source: Mahogany seeks the answer for the following questions: 1. What is the difference number of hatched eggs between the commercial incubator and improvised incubator? 2. Will the days of incubation be decreased when using the improvised incubator?
Improvised Incubator Chicken Eggs Independent VariableDependent Variable
Null Hypothesis There is no significant effect between the commercial incubator and the improvised incubator. Alternative Hypothesis The days of incubation was decreased by using the improvised incubator.
The creation of the THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVISED INCUBATOR FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CHICKEN EGGS.HEAT SOURCE:MAHOGANY will give advantage especially to the domestic fowls raisers and breeders who cannot afford to buy a commercial incubator for incubating the eggs. In this way it will be a great help for the breeders to find a substitute to a commercial one and to acquainted with the simpler and smaller extent of expensive devices. The improvised incubator may not be only just for eggs; it may also for other purposes. Furthermore, this study used junk materials in making this improvised incubator.
The research study entitled THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVISED INCUBATOR FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CHICKEN EGGS.HEAT SOURCE; MAHOGANY focuses only in improving the survival rate of the chicken eggs. The study will be conducted by Mary Leen Pearl D. Gonzales and Connie Elaine D. Gumacal. This study will be limited only in the production of the chicken eggs and was incubated for twenty- one (21) days at the room temperature of 25-30°C. This study was conducted in Dumangas,Iloilo, from July 2011 to January Two treatments will be done namely; treatment A :Improvised Incubator (Control) and treatment B: Commercial Incubator. Three trials will be conducted.