IFF1/RBR3 allelic variation in 23 different clinical isolates representing 11 clades of C. albicans (isolated from different countries in different body niches), based on 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis of the PCR product obtained from genomic DNA extracted after 24 h of culture in YPD. Lanes: Mk, 1-kb Plus marker (Invitrogen); lane 1, DAY286. IFF1/RBR3 allelic variation in 23 different clinical isolates representing 11 clades of C. albicans (isolated from different countries in different body niches), based on 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis of the PCR product obtained from genomic DNA extracted after 24 h of culture in YPD. Lanes: Mk, 1-kb Plus marker (Invitrogen); lane 1, DAY286. Lanes 2 to 24 are clinical isolates; 2, M15; 3, M21; 4, M29; 5, Niger12; 6, Niger14; 7, M4; 8, M5; 9, M26; 10, H14; 11, Bougn11; 12, Bougn14; 13, M47; 14, M61; 15, APRURC3; 16, Bougn6; 17, Bougn7; 18, Bougn9; 19, Bougn10; 20, Bougn15; 21, F-E; 22, F-J; 23, DPC63; 24, BCHURS6. Anita Boisramé et al. Eukaryotic Cell 2011; doi:10.1128/EC.05044-11