Actuating properties of Vis light–induced actuation. Actuating properties of Vis light–induced actuation. (A) Vis light–induced actuation at increasing intensity from 5 to 100 mW/cm2. (B) Actuating speed, measured in degrees per second, for the bending and curling of the actuator measured from individual actuation tests plotted against the Vis light intensity used. (C) Schematic diagram for the calculation of the intrinsic actuating strain of the Ni(OH)2-NiOOH layer (not drawn to scale). Left: Unactuated state showing the coordinate system and the symbols for the dimensions. Middle: Intrinsic actuating strain εi under light illumination if the Ni(OH)2-NiOOH actuating layer was freed from the substrate. Right: Actuation in reality as the Ni(OH)2-NiOOH actuating layer bends forward to a radius of curvature R. (D) Calculated intrinsic actuating strain and stress of the Ni(OH)2-NiOOH layer corresponding to the actuation plotted against Vis light intensity. The data points represent the mean value of the intrinsic actuating strain and stress obtained from the measurement of 10 cycles of actuation. The error bars show the values resulted from the range of the measurement. K. W. Kwan et al. Sci. Robotics 2018;3:eaat4051 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works