I’ve got a friendly family
We live in a big house
Where are you from?
What’s this?
You live in a small house He lives in a small house I live in а big house You live in a small house She lives in a big house He lives in a small house I live in a big house too
Let’s make your own house Take a paper Fold it Take a pencil Colour the roof Draw the windows Draw the door Choose your favourite colour Colour your house
One, one, one –run, run, run Two, two, two – go to the Zoo Three, three, three – climb a tree Four, four, four – touch the floor Five, five, five – swim and dive Six, seven, eight – that was great. Nine and ten – count again!
Who lives in your house?
My friendly family This is mummy, kind and dear This is daddy, standing near This is brother, see how tall, This is sister, not so tall. This is baby, sweet and small. This is family, one and all.
Mummy Granny Daddy Brother Sister Grandpa Pets I
x w q e v r t n y o a d l m s g b c f i h p z k j u