Aneuploidy screening in a coelomic sample from a missed abortion using sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization  Katerina Chatzimeletiou, Ph.D.,


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Presentation transcript:

Aneuploidy screening in a coelomic sample from a missed abortion using sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization  Katerina Chatzimeletiou, Ph.D., George Makrydimas, M.D., Kypros H. Nicolaides, M.R.C.O.G.  Fertility and Sterility  Volume 85, Issue 4, Pages 1059.e13-1059.e16 (April 2006) DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2005.09.059 Copyright © 2006 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions

FIGURE 1 Photomicrographs showing fluorescence in situ hybridization on coelomic fluid cells and placental tissue. Hybridization of the Multivysion PB probe set (chromosome 13, red; chromosome 16, aqua; chromosome 18, blue; chromosome 21, green; and chromosome 22, gold) on placental cells are shown (a1, b1, c1, and d1). (a1, b1, and c1) Three red signals for chromosome 13, denoting trisomy 13. (d1) A diploid complement for all the chromosomes tested. The position of those cells was recorded, and reprobing with the Aneuvysion probe set (chromosome X, green; chromosome Y, red; and chromosome 18, aqua) followed. The second layer of hybridization is shown in panels a2, b2, c2, and d2, respectively. Note that all the trisomy 13 nuclei showed one red signal for chromosome Y, one green signal for chromosome X, and two aqua signals for chromosome 18, confirming a normal male complement. (d2) This shows a normal female complement (2 green signals for chromosome X and 2 aqua signals for chromosome 18) and therefore represents maternal cell contamination. A probe for chromosome 18 was used in both layers to confirm hybridization accuracy. Note that the blue signals (1st layer) and aqua signals (2nd layer) that are specific for chromosome 18 are in the same position in both layers. (e1 and e2) Sequential FISH analysis of a coelomic nucleus hybridized with the Multivysion PB and the Aneuvysion probe set, respectively. Note the three red signals for chromosome 13 (e1) and the normal male chromosomal constitution (e2). (f1, f2) Sequential FISH analysis of another nucleus from the coelomic sample showing a diploid complement when hybridized with the Multivysion PB probe set (f1). Reprobing of the same cell with the Aneuvysion probe revealed a normal female complement (f2), confirming maternal cell contamination. Chatzimeletiou. Aneuploidy screening in coelomic cells using sequential FISH. Fertil Steril 2006. Fertility and Sterility 2006 85, 1059.e13-1059.e16DOI: (10.1016/j.fertnstert.2005.09.059) Copyright © 2006 American Society for Reproductive Medicine Terms and Conditions