Objective: Meiosis Essential Question:
What is Meiosis? An overview The process of nuclear division that divides a diploid cell into a haploid cell. Cells in reproductive organs undergo Meiosis Allows for genetic diversity in Sexual Reproduction Sexual reproduction is the fusion of two gametes that result in offspring that are a genetically diverse mixture of both parents
How does Crossing Over increase genetic diversity? Crossing Over occurs during prophase I of Meiosis. Homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material. This exchange of genetic material help increase genetic diversity on Earth by ensuring gametes have different genetic makeups than other gametes within that same individual.
Understanding how Crossing Over Occurs Mini Lab At your table you will need: -2 strips of paper in different colors -piece of tape or glue stick -Pen/Pencil/marker -Scissor You may follow along with the teacher using the written directions at your table. Please wait for instructions for each step before moving on.
Crossing Over Analysis Questions What is “crossing over”? What is the purpose of “crossing over”? When is the only time crossing over can occur? What does each letter on your model represent? Write down what letter combinations were on each of the 4 sister chromatids before crossing over happened. How many total DIFFERENT combinations did you have? Write down what letter combinations were on each of the 4 sister chromatids after crossing over happened. How many total DIFFERENT combinations did you have? Compare your answers to number 5 and number 6. Which showed the most genetic diversity and why?