Molecular model of C. pseudotuberculosis Smase D Molecular model of C. pseudotuberculosis Smase D. (A) Model based on the structure of the spider Loxosceles laeta Smase D (PDB ID 1XX1), shown as a blue cartoon, with the torus-capping C-terminal helix and strand in pink. Molecular model of C. pseudotuberculosis Smase D. (A) Model based on the structure of the spider Loxosceles laeta Smase D (PDB ID 1XX1), shown as a blue cartoon, with the torus-capping C-terminal helix and strand in pink. The catalytically essential Mg2+ ion is shown as a green sphere, with the completely conserved coordinating aspartates and glutamates shown as sticks. A sulfate ion also coordinating the Mg2+ and likely an analogue for the sphingomyelin phosphate moiety is shown as sticks. (B) Model similar to that in panel A, but from the viewpoint of looking down into the active site, with a semitransparent electrostatic surface drawn highlighting the hydrophobic loops (white) and negatively charged center (red) that forms the active site. Marietta Flores-Díaz et al. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 2016; doi:10.1128/MMBR.00082-15