“Every empire will die….” States, like societies or men are born, grew up, decline and die. Geopolitics is about interactions between Time Space Politics
Geo=space Tique = technique geopolitics Polis= rules of city Tique = technique geopolitics
A mix Geopolitics politics space time
In movement City Nation State
space power geostrategy
Geopolitics = each event is different and politics is the expression of the human’s wish to live together. Politics takes place among time and space How territories got influence on men and how men can transform their territories ? For geopolitics, understanding politics requires a collection of data such as territories, natural resources, distances, needs…. To realize a geo strategy
3 main data men time space
men If men is different from the animal, he’s nevertheless under the law of evolution (Darwin) Men is an animal like the other species following the law of the strongest His main goal is to survive
Men ? An animal not like the other death society language territory tools writing power
Time Past Men built an history, a patrimony by founding new territories. It’s in constant evolution. Nation can not get separated from its history. Geopolitics has to take in consideration the Nation’s past because past is involved in geography
Past/ time / men and territory Balkans Yugoslavia Kosovo Asia China Taiwan Antiquity Foundation of Israel Palestine
space History and geography are linked. Ex: UK is an island per se. But in the middle age UK covered a part of France. After the 100 years war. UK become an island and got smaller. UK seeks revenge through a competition with France and by building a colonial empire. The story of a nation or a state is linked to the story of a territory
Time and space
An issue in geopolitics raises three questions Don’t forget An issue in geopolitics raises three questions What is the reason ? When ? Where ? Everything regarding geopolitics includes balance of power and geostrategy..
Everything regarding geopolitics and geo strategy involves power struggle Fighting legitimates men’s power. Conquest of territory is sign of power Are all power the same ? Why Us is a big power ? Why USSR was a poor power ? ,
To elaborate geo-strategy Power depends on two factors Independent factors : quality of territory, climate, natural resources, quality and number of men Dependent factors : role of elites, economical structures, social structures etc To Understand the mechanism of power, we need to evaluate situation. Each situation is unique. Why USSR collapsed in 1991, France in 1940 or US in Vietnam in the 60’s and 70’s ?
Dynamic and unpredictable Components: men, money, ideas Elements of power struggle process Men Money: how much it costs ? Who pays? How? Ideas, religion, cultures. Independent dependent situation Dynamic and unpredictable Components: men, money, ideas
To understand geopolitics and geo strategy Data : men , time, territory, resources, factors dependent and independent, Considering evolution of the situation by raising questions what when why
Geopolitics Geo-strategy space time Balance of power