Attenuation of cGAS‐STING signaling is mediated by a p62/SQSTM1‐dependent autophagy pathway activated by TBK1 AControl and TBK1 KO THP1 cells were stimulated with 2′3′ cGAMP (4 μg/ml) for the indicated time intervals, and lysates were immunoblotted with antibodies specific for phospho‐p62 (p‐p62), phospho‐TBK1 (pTBK1), LC3, and β‐actin. B, CWT and Tbk1−/− MEF cells were stimulated with dsDNA (4 μg/ml) or 2′3′ cGAMP (4 μg/ml) for the indicated time intervals, and lysates were immunoblotted with antibodies against p62, p‐p62, LC3, and β‐actin. DWT and Tbk1−/− MEF cells were stimulated with dsDNA (4 μg/ml) for 6 h. The cells were fixed and stained with DAPI and antibodies against STING and K63‐ubiquitin. Scale bar: 5 μm. ETHP1 cells were left untreated or stimulated with DNA for 3 or 9 h (4 μg/ml). The cells were fixed and stained with antibodies specific for p62, STING, and phospho‐IRF3. Scale bar: 5 μm. FWT and Irf3s1/s1 MEFs were stimulated with dsDNA (4 μg/ml) or 2′3′ cGAMP (4 μg/ml). Supernatants were harvested 18 h later, and levels of CXCL10 were measured by ELISA. Data are presented as means of three replicates ± s.d. ***P < 0.001. IF THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY OR IS OWNED BY A THIRD PARTY, AS INDICATED IN THE CAPTION LINE, THEN FURTHER PERMISSION MAY BE NEEDED BEFORE ANY FURTHER USE. PLEASE CONTACT WILEY'S PERMISSIONS DEPARTMENT ON PERMISSIONS@WILEY.COM OR USE THE RIGHTSLINK SERVICE BY CLICKING ON THE 'REQUEST PERMISSIONS' LINK ACCOMPANYING THIS ARTICLE. WILEY OR AUTHOR OWNED IMAGES MAY BE USED FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES, SUBJECT TO PROPER CITATION OF THE ARTICLE, AUTHOR, AND PUBLISHER. EMBO J, Volume: 37, Issue: 8, First published: 01 March 2018, DOI: (10.15252/embj.201797858)