“Education is a Progressive discovery of our own ignorance.” -Will Durant
Ticks Not host specific Usually found on outside animals, in high grass or wooded areas
Tick life cycle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g_lt0FcQag – 2 minutes 44 seconds
Tick life cycle Female lays 1,000 to 10,000 eggs before dying
Ticks *** HOW TICKS INJURE ANIMALS: Irritation of the bite wound Vector for diseases Monocytic and Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis Lyme Disease Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Tick Paralysis Many others… Clinical signs vary with disease Dx: finding tick on physical exam, history of exposure to wooded and grassy areas Monocytic (Ehrlichia canis, Rhipicephalus sanguineus - brown dog tick) and Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichia ewingii, Amblyomma americanum - lone star) & Ehrlichia equi, Ixodes dammini (deer tick or black-legged tick) Lyme Disease: spirochete Borrelia Burgdorferi, Ixodes tick (black-legged ticks or deer ticks) Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Rickettsia rickettsii, dermacentor tick (American dog tick)
Ticks Treatment Remove ticks: Grasp head parts close to skin with hemostats (NOT HANDS) and pull; no gasoline, cigarettes, etc. Topical treatments (sprays, shampoos, powder, dips) Topical & systemic products Advantix Bravecto Nexgard Client Info Routinely check pets for ticks, esp. after walks in parks, etc. blood may be infectious Ticks will feed on humans Just remove, otherwise could result in serious damage to the animal. Most common in spring and summer. Found around ears, under arms and in between toes.
Burrowing Mites
Burrowing Mites Family Sarcoptidae Sarcoptes, Notoedres, Knemidocoptes Small, round, live in skin tunnels. Short legs close to body. Sarcoptes, Notoedres, Knemidocoptes Trixacarus Family Demodicidae Live in hair follicles. Adults cigar shaped. Demodex canis Demodex cati Demodex gatoi 3 primary: Sarcoptic, Notoedric and Demodex Notoedres: feline scabies, rare Knemidocoptes: birds Trixacarus: guinea pigs Live on the skin and cause irritation and inflammation Demodex gatoi: cats
Burrowing Mites Diagnosis Deep Skin scraping for sarcoptic Superficial skin scraping may be sufficient for Demodex Demodex is easy to find on a microscopic exam
Demodectic mange Cigar-shaped mite – lives within hair follicles of most dogs and some cats Live their entire life cycle on the host Does not cause them to scratch unless there is a secondary infection
Demodex *** Demodex canis Inhabits hair follicles, sebaceous glands or apocrine sweat glands Normal inhabitant in small numbers Immune system controls infestation Transmission: genetic predisposition to overgrowth (passed from mom first few days of life) Weakened immune system (such as puppies with poor nutrition) could result in an excessive amount of mites More common in specific breeds sebaceous glands: a small gland in the skin which secretes a lubricating oily matter (sebum) into the hair follicles. apocrine sweat glands: sweat gland in dogs, and the distribution of eccrine sweat glands is limited to the footpads If in adults, it would most likely be an underlying condition. Multiple underlying.
Demodex in cats *** D. cati D. gatoi - Similar to D. canis – lives in hair follicles D. gatoi - Fat (broad, blunted abdomen) Lives more superficial in stratum corneum More pruritic stratum corneum: outer layer of skin
Demodex Demodex cati (right) Demodex gatoi Demodex canis (left)
DEMODEX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgEoEZtC2h0 – 5 minutes https://www.atdove.org/video/Skin-Cytology (DOVE)
Demodex *** Clinical Signs Localized Young dog (3m-1y); Alopecia esp. on face Not pruritic unless secondary infections are present Generalized Often febrile Entire body surface involved Secondary bacterial infection - pustules Pustules: a small blister or pimple on the skin containing pus
Demodex Treatment for localized demodex Goodwinol (Rotenone) topical daily Bactoderm (mupirocin) Goodwinol soothe and heal the skin to minimize the irritation, hair loss, and other symptoms of mange and speed recover Mupirocin: treats skin infections
Demodex Treatment for generalized demodex Mitaban (amitraz) – topical dip FDA approved treatment Side Effects – sedation for 12-24 hrs (up to 72 hrs) Ivermectin: SQ or PO extralabel use CAUTION in herding breeds Side Effects: ataxia, respiratory arrest, stupor and tremors Treatment recommended for 3 months Mutation in the MDR-1 gene lack a protein that allows certain drugs such as Ivermectin to be flushed to the brain. Thus, a dangerous level of toxicity can quickly occur MDR-1 gene: protects the brain from harmful substances
Demodex Treatment for generalized demodex Bravecto (fluralaner) - off label 12 week oral tablet given once Oral antibiotics given for secondary infection
Demodex Treatment Approved topical dip Off labe use - SQ or PO
DEMODEX *** Client Info Many animals outgrow demodex as they age Not contagious to humans Tx does not completely remove mites Strongly recommend OHE with treatment or relapse may occur with heat cycles Generalized form can be fatal.
Sarcoptic mange- Scabies
Sarcoptic mange- Scabies Multiple scrapings are sometimes needed Mites can be difficult to find due to how deep under the skin (epidermis) they are Scrapings should be deep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv_k3KQ0vbA
Sarcoptic Mange *** Species specific Burrows under skin – stratum corneum Hypersensitivity reaction causes extreme pruritis How does it happen? Exposure to another animal infected with the mite Moves from animal to animal quickly Found more in animal shelters, kennels, grooming facilities and dog parks Anywhere animals are held close together Symptoms usually start 2-6 weeks after the animal is exposed stratum corneum: outer layer of skin Epidermis and lay eggs They do not last long off of a host
Zoonotic!!!!! Scabies does not stay on the human for long. It can still cause a reaction https://www.atdove.org/video/nursing-scabies-sarcoptic-mange
SARCOPTES Clincal Signs Red crusty lesions on ears, elbows and trunk Intensely pruritic Progressively more severe Crusty lesions are usually on the elbows, ears and the trunk of the animal Open wounds due to scratching/chewing (Leads to secondary skin infections)
Sarcoptic mange Treatment: relatively easily killed Mitaban (Amitraz): extra label use for sarcoptes Ivermectin injections: extra label use Revolution (selamectin) – approved Lime Sulfur Dips Client Info – highly contagious to other dogs and humans extra label: only approved in humans Ivermectin -Instructions: Subcutaneous or by mouth. Needs to be repeated in 14 days following initial treatment Sulfur dip -Instructions: Dip every 14 days until clinical signs are gone Revolution: Apply every 2-3 weeks until skin scrapes are negative