Curriculum Overview Year 6 Summer Term 2019 English In English we will continue to look at writing for a range of purposes. This will include a variety of text types including stories, reports and explanations. Mathematics In Maths we will be looking at key topics in preparation for SATS, including time, measure, shape, co-ordinates and relationships between fractions, percentages and decimals Science We will continue looking at classification of plants, animals and microbes. In addition, we will learn about circulation, drugs and nutrition. Computing We will continue focusing on how to keep safe online as well as developing our understanding of how data is used online. PE Athletics Swimming Outdoor and adventurous activities (residential) Curriculum Overview Year 6 Summer Term 2019 The Arts This term’s focus will be the end of year production as well as exploring Mayan music and artists. We will also be looking at food as part of Design and Technology / nutrition. History / Geography The Mayans Fair trade – national resources and trade links with South America PHCE and SMSC We will be looking at the topics of ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’ in preparation for transition to secondary school. RE We will explore sacred texts and stories, their guidance and impact. We will also reflect on ethics and right and wrong, taking responsibility for living together, the world, values and respect. MFL – French French this term will focus on embedded a range of vocabulary taught throughout Key Stage 2.