Jesus Fed Children (Matt. 14:21; 15:38) Jesus Inspired Children (Matt. 21:15) Jesus Healed Children Healed from near-death illnesses (John 4:46-54) Cast out demons Matt. 15:21-28; 17:14-21; Mark 7:24-30; 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-42 Raised from the dead Jairus’ daughter (Matt. 9:18-25; Mk. 5:21-43; Lk. 8:40-56) Widow of Nain’s son (Luke 7:11-17)
Jesus Exalted Children Jesus used children to teach a lesson about humility There was a dispute about greatness (Luke 9:46) Jesus illustrated true greatness when: Jesus called a little child (Matt. 18:2) Jesus set a little child beside Him (Luke 9:47-48) Jesus took a child in His arms (Mark 9:36) Jesus taught that true greatness (and entering the kingdom) requires: A conversion (from pride) to become like a child (Matt. 18:3) Humbling oneself as a little child, with childlike spirit (Matt. 18:4) Seeing inherent value in a little child & receiving them (Mt. 18:5) Accepting that the least shall be great (Luke 9:48)
Jesus Exalted Children Jesus used children to teach a lesson about humility There was a dispute about greatness (Luke 9:46) Jesus illustrated true greatness Jesus taught true greatness Jesus reckoned children’s faith to be exemplary and fragile (Matt. 18:6) Great care was to be given to all small acts – both of good & of evil Heavy penalties await small offenses that hinder or destroy faith
Jesus Blessed Children Parents were bringing their children to Jesus (Mk. 10:13; Lk. 18:15) Parents wanted Jesus to “touch” their children (Mk. 10:13; Lk. 18:15) Parents wanted Jesus to “pray” for their children (Matt. 19:13) For spiritual benefits, to have the favor of God upon their children! The Lord was not too busy to pay attention to the children! The disciples “rebuked those who brought them” (Mark 10:13) Perhaps they wished to protect Jesus from interference or annoyance Likely they saw this as something of inferior or beneath Jesus They were too busy and too important to be bothered with children “When Jesus saw it, He was indignant” at their interference (Mk 10:14)
Jesus Blessed Children Jesus blessed the little children, bidding them come to Him (Mark 10:14) Jesus blessed their “of such”/childlike qualities Humble, teachable, loving, innocent Only those who have these “of such” qualities enter the kingdom “He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them and blessed them” (Mark 10:16)
Two Questions: Do we have a childlike humility, faith and devotion to Jesus? Do we have as much care and concern for a child’s spiritual well-being as Jesus?