Chuck Close, Up Close
Desperate Meaning: in immediate, very strong need. Example: The refugees are desperate for food (money, help, etc.)
Brilliant Meaning: extremely intelligent Example:: She has a brilliant mind.
Audience Meaning: the people who gather to listen to and watch an event Example: The audience at the rock concert was very enthusiastic.
Celebrate Meaning: to do something special (like having a party) to mark an occasion Example: I celebrate my birthday with friends and family in a restaurant.
Excellent Meaning: very high in quality Example: The violinist gave an excellent performance; everyone applauded loudly.
Visible Meaning: seeable Example: The coastline became visible through the fog .
Appearance Meaning: the arrival, the coming into public view Example: : The singer's appearance on the stage caused everyone to applaud.
Lovable Meaning: easy to love Example: : That little girl is a lovable child.
Noticeable Meaning: easily observed, obvious Example: : There has been a noticeable increase in sales.
Sentence Meaning: the punishment given by a court: a prison sentence. Example: They sentenced the criminal to 20 years in jail.
Difference Meaning: a way of being different. Example: What is the difference between the new model and the old one?
Workable Meaning: practical, capable of being done. Example: We made a workable agreement with another company to build a house together.
Instance Meaning: a single occurrence or happening, a situation, case Example: In this instance, we will lend you money, but usually we can't.
Fragrant Meaning: pleasant smelling, perfumed Example: Freshly cut grass has a fragrant smell.
Fortunate Meaning: lucky at a particular time Example: We were fortunate to escape the accident without injury.
Client Meaning: a customer of S.O. who provides a professional service, such as a lawyer, tailor, hairdresser, etc. Example: He likes to take his clients to lunch. See: customer, USAGE NOTE.
Separate Meaning: different from S.T. else Example: The cost of making the product and the cost of selling it are two separate issues.
Agent Meaning: a spy or special government employee. Example: He is an FBI agent.
Responsible Meaning: dependable, trustworthy Example: He is responsible for taking care of his younger brother while his parents are away.
Importance Meaning: implies a value judgment of the superior worth or influence of something or someone. Example: Completing your homework is of great importance.
Portable Meaning: movable, capable of being carried or moved around. Example: She uses a portable computer when she travels.
Irresistible Meaning: not able to be refused, very tempting. Example: That apple pie is irresistible; I had three slices.
Resemblance Meaning: a likeness, similarity. Example: The little girl bears a close resemblance to her mother.
Magnificent Meaning: very beautiful or impressive, (syn.) splendid. Example: The Taj Mahal in India is a magnificent building.
Elaborate Meaning: rates to give more detail, explain. Example: The manager elaborated on the plan to expand the business.