FASI: Where can we go from here? Brandi J. Massey Subject Matter Expert-Financial Aid NC Community College System masseyb@nccommunitycolleges.edu
Overview FASI - Financial Aid Status Info IVER – ISIR Verification Processing ARAI – AR Account Inquiry SATP – Student Attendance Pattern NASU – Need Analysis Summary SBC – Student Budget Components SAPD – SAP Detail View NLIS – NSLDS Information Summary SASM – Student Academic Summary SACP – Student Academic Program LOCR – Student Locator AIDE – Award Detail Entry PMRR – Pell Multi Reporting Records 9/20/2019
FASI FASI allows you to have access to various aspects of a student’s record from one screen. 9/20/2019
IVER Verification information stored on the IVER mnemonic can be seen by detailing from FASI. 9/20/2019
ARAI Detailing into AR will allow you to access ARAI and view the students entire Accounts Receivable record which will include charges for current and past terms. 9/20/2019
A student’s attendance pattern information is accessible from FASI. SATP A student’s attendance pattern information is accessible from FASI. 9/20/2019
NASU Detailing on Appls will allow you to go to the NASU Screen to view ISIR data, Budget, etc. 9/20/2019
Budgets From NASU, you can then view Budget components and apply overrides to a student’s budget if necessary. 9/20/2019
SAP SAP Results are also stored on FASI. Detailing into SAP Results will allow you to view the SAPD mnemonic with SAP calculation showing in detail. 9/20/2019
Transfer Monitoring All transfer monitoring information stored on NLIS can be viewed from detailing on NSLDS on the FASI screen. 9/20/2019
Student Academic Summary SACP can be viewed from the Student Program. Academic Information about a student’s record can be seen by detailing in on Academics 9/20/2019
LOCR – Student locator The LOCR mnemonic allows you to view a student’s schedule for a specified day. This mnemonic can be achieved by detailing into Addnl Info on the SASM mnemonic. 9/20/2019
AIDE Detailing on CORE will allow you to view NAE, BIO, ADR, and CRI Information 9/20/2019
Multiply Reporting Records Accessing the PCOD mnemonic from AIDE will allow you to view a students multiply reporting record. Student MRR gives you access to PMRR mnemonic 9/20/2019