Infant “Schools Out” Disco Thursday 18th July To celebrate the end of term and indeed the end of the school year, there will be a “Schools Out” Disco on Thursday 18th July. Infant Disco:3.15pm - 4.15pm for children in Reception,Years 1 and 2 (Children in nursery can attend this session if they are accompanied by an adult) There will be prizes for the best dancers! There is an entry charge of £4:00 per child (this includes a hotdog and a drink), payable in advance with the consent form below which we ask you to return by Monday 15th July in a sealed envelope with their name and class on. INFANT “SCHOOLS OUT” DISCO REQUEST SLIP – TO BE RETURNED TO CLASS TEACHER WITH PAYMENT BY MONDAY 15th July I give permission for: ................................... Class.................. to attend the Infant “Schools Out” Disco on Thursday 18th July. I will collect my child at 4:15 pm or they will be collected by...................................... I enclose payment of £4. Any food allergies or special dietary requirements.......................... Parent/Carer.......................................Date............................... Phone number:…………………………………………………