Chapter 2: Christianity takes root Lesson 4: Early church writings and holy scripture
The Canon of Scripture Canon comes from the Greek word “kanon” It means rule or norm. It is a collection of sacred writings believed to be inspired by God. Seen as normative for faith and practice.
Early church writings and holy scripture Early church troubled deciding which biblical books should be canonical. The following criteria was critical in making decisions: Must be publicly read in community and valued. Most be orthodox, of apostolic origin. Must pass the “rule of faith”, most of the faithful recognized it as revealed by God.
Early church writings and holy scripture Church leaders usually agreed on the canon of New Testament books, but… The idea of a complete and clear cut canon of the N.T. existing from the beginning is not true. Result from development of a process, stimulated by doubters (in and out), slowed by obscurities and natural hesitations. Did not reach final term until the Council of Trent (1545-1564)
Apostolic Fathers Quick Trivia Activity. Raise your hand if you know the answer for a prize. Father of our country Father of baseball Father of Communism Father of Medicine Father of Faith
Apostolic Fathers Men who personally knew the Apostles or their disciples. St. Clement: his letters helped solve disputes for Apostolic succession. Belief in the primacy of the Pope. St. Ignatius of Antioch: sent letter stressing the role of the Bishop.
The didache The Teaching Probably oldest surviving piece of non-canonical lit. 60AD to 100AD Guide to Christian Converts. Divided into 3: Christian Lessons (Trinity, moral lessons, etc…) Christian Ceremonies (Baptism & Communion) Church Organization
Apologetic Writing Apologetics => Verbal defense These people were defenders of the faith. “We pray for our enemies; we seek to persuade those who hate us without cause to live conformably to the goodly precepts of Christ, that they may become partakers with us of the joyful hope of the blessings fro God, the Lord of All”. St. Justyn Martyr “See how these Christians love one another”. Tertullian St. Justyn Martyr and Tertullian. What did they defend?
Writings of the church fathers Theologians of the first 8 centuries. Helped write and for Church doctrine. Esteemed for correctness doctrine, Orthodoxy (right teachings), and their holiness, Orthopraxis (right living).
Writings of the church fathers Heresy: A false belief or teaching about a major doctrine. Doctrine: is principle presented for acceptance or belief. St. Irenaeus of Lyons argued against Gnosticism. Says Jesus offered “secret teachings” to a chosen few. He wasn’t truly human. No resurrection. Created matter is evil. Clement of Alexandria argued against Nestorianism. Says Jesus is 2 persons, one divine and one human. Rejects Mary as the Mother of God.
Septuagint Translation of the Old Testament. Greek translation of Jewish Scriptures. Legend says there were over 70 translators.