LEE, Han-Joo, Ph.D. Yonsei University Prevention of Obesity in Childhood and Youth: Leadership Role for Schools LEE, Han-Joo, Ph.D. Yonsei University
Blaire, et al., (1989)
Schools? Institute of Medicine (2004) AHA (2006) USDHHS (2008)-A National Physical Activity Plan for the US the first comprehensive federal Physical Activity Guidelines 8 societal sectors: public health; healthcare; education; mass media; business and industry; not-for-profit organizations; recreation, fitness, and sports; and transportation and community planning
Schools To develop healthy lifestyle: physical education, physical activity during school, physical activity before and after school, Staff involvement, and family and community involvement nutrition
Exemplary studies CATCH (1991-1994) SPARK (1989-1996) MSPAN (1997-1999) CSPAP (2008-) TAAG (2003-2006); LEAF (1998-2000;2002-2003)
Intervention To reduce overweight/ To increase PA Focused on PA: combination of PE/PA interventions change PE contents classroom foci on health education curriculum changes in the nutritional quality in school food services, community/ family involvement
Sustainability Support from school administrator Equipment Teachers being active Standard (HRPE)
Quality PE Evidence-based PE Health optimizing PE (HOPE) Provide MVPA(>50% of class time) Skill, knowledge & confidence
Barriers in HRPE Not delivered the good “quantity & quality of PE” low levels of physical activity poor quality of instruction Basketball, baseball/softball, soccer, volleyball vs. walking, stretching, weight lifting, cycling, running) a quantity of PE class time Smaller space Larger class size Equipment/student ratio Weather Activities Evidence-based practice
Recommendation Education policy should be specific: Requirements for PE/PA time allocation Curriculum standards HRPE/PA Measurement systems for assessing and reporting those outcomes Sufficient facilities and equipment Support for continuing professional development for PE and classroom teachers