Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter
AGENDA Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter Who we are Achievements and Goals Proposals Be our sponsor !
UN Chapter Executive Comitee President : Ignacio Iregui Vicepresident: Maria de los Ángeles Larrotta Secretary: Diana Carrascal Treasurer :Thatiana Perdomo IT: Felipe Medellín Media: German Camargo SM: Camilo Gamboa SM: Jorge Triana SM: Paul Moreno WHO WE ARE
Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter
ACHIEVEMENTS Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter
ACHIEVEMENTS * We lead the creation of the Colombian Association of AAPG-SEG Student Chapters -With the support of Ivan Dario Olaya and the ACGGP. Our Vice-president, Maria de los Ángeles Larrotta, is the first president of this new associaction: * We translated and subtitled We are AAPG video for the launching ceremony. AAPG uploaded it into his student chapter web site.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter ACHIEVEMENTS Our activities and stuff have been published in very important publications as: -AAPG Explorer Magazzine, (August 2010 issue, page 28) -Geo Petróleo Magazzine, ACGGP (August issue page 21) -Facies Magazzine (6th Issue, page 42)
Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter
1 Semester Closing Ceremony 31st May
Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter 1st Semester Closing Ceremony May 31st
Meetig with World AAPG President and AAPG Executive comitee in Bogotá Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter
Dr. PhD. Dario Barrero Lozano Geology Consultor 2 days workshop Tecto-stratigraphic secuences in Colombia at ACGGP auditorium. Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter WORKSHOPS
Chairs Dr. Tomas Villamil (September 9th) Executive exploration Vice-President of C & C Energy Causes of organic Production in cretaceous Dr. Roger Slatt (September 22nd) AAPG Lecturer, Petroleum Geology Professor at Oklahoma University Unconnventional Gas Shale reservoirs Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter
Workshops and courses - Seismic Method -Colombian Geology -Seismic Interpretation -Structural Geology Field Trip -Well -Seismic Acquisition AAPG International Lecturers Others Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter
New Sponsors Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter Diamond: aportes de >50% Platinum: aportes entre 25% y 50% Golden: aportes entre 10 y 25 % Silver: aportes <10%
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Universidad Nacional de Colombia AAPG Student Chapter