MEDIAS A protocol for acoustic surveys in Mediterranean sea History Acoustic surveys are performed by each country around the Mediterranean basin. There is a need to harmonize the protocol of these surveys for further comparisons of the results issued from different areas. Objective Adopt a common Protocol for a Pan-Mediterranean Acoustic survey (MEDIAS) within the Framework of the DCR according to the recommendation of RCM for Mediterranean and the decision of the Liaison Meeting Palma de Majorque 22-24/11/2010
Small pelagics in the Gulf of Lion Jlb : Hello Small pelagics in the Gulf of Lion Total small pelagic species biomass fluctuates a lot between 1993 and 2010 with the highest level in 2005 with more than 472000 tons Protocol of acoustic survey is the same since 1993 and follows Medias one Pelagic species assessed are : Anchovy and sardine in first priority Other one’s if present in the area Palma de Majorque 22-24/11/2010
GSA 07 Gulf of Lion The surface of Gulf of Lion is 3300 Nm² We did acoustic survey in july with L’Europe (30m) at 8 knots on parallel transects from depth 10 m to 200 m. Transects spaced 12 Nm. EDSU=1Nm We did survey and hauls in day time during 26 days 2 hauls used (Vo 15 m and 7 m, 12 mm of mesh side) Sounder ER60 38, 70, 120 and 200 KHz. Data format .hac Threshold for acquisition : -80 db Threshold for assessment : -60 db Pulse duration : 1024 µs 1 calibration during the survey Palma de Majorque 22-24/11/2010
Pelmed08 - July
Pelmed09 - July
Pelmed10 - July
Type d’opération Nombre Remarques Milles parcourus en acquisition acoustique 2176 Movies+ ER60 (38, 70, 120 kHz et 200 kHz), EK500 12 KHz Chalutages pélagiques 4PM159 38 Chalutages de fond 4FF176 5 Par sonde inférieure à 40 m CTD 47 Profils bathymétriques (T°C, S‰, P) T°C et S‰ Enregistrement continu en sub-surface durant 2176 Mn Prélèvement d'otolithes d'anchois 200 Congélation d’anchois issus de 13 chalutages Prélèvement d'otolithes de sardine Inclusion d'otolithes issus de 13 chalutages Biométrie de merlu 300 de 10 à 46 cm, pour lecture des otolithes. Action MERLUMED
Small pelagics stock assessment Estimated biomass for 2009 and 2010 Anchovy : 31 736 and 24 991 tonnes Sardine : 58 253 and 41 091 tonnes Low level of sardine biomass after the peak of 2005 Anchovy biomass increase after 4 years of stability Palma de Majorque 22-24/11/2010
Pelmed survey in the gulf of Lion Length and age structure for anchovy Years 2000 to 2010
Pelmed survey in the gulf of Lion Length structure for sardine Years 2000 to 2010
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