Parental Monitoring CLE PowerPoint Cedergren 2018-2019
PowerPoint Essay Presentation For our CLE students will create a PowerPoint presentation that represents their argumentative stance on the subject of Parental Monitoring. Using the structure of an argumentative essay, students will craft their PowerPoint presentation to detail which side of the argument they support. Plenty of detail and relevant, interesting images will be included in each presentation.
Presentation Structure Slide 1: Student name, period number and title of your presentation Slide 2: Intro/thesis statement Slide 3: Main Point #1 (CD & CM structure) Slide 4: Main Point #2 (CD & CM structure) Slide 5: Counterargument Slide 6: Conclusion Slide 7: Video clip w/summary Slide 8: Personal reflection
Slide 2: Intro/Thesis 2-3 main points from your introduction paragraph Your thesis will be last and will be types out completely Include 1 relevant image
Slide 3: Main Point #1 Type out both CD’s Summarize your CM in bullet points 1-2 relevant images
Slide 4: Main Point #2 Type out both CD’s Summarize your CM in bullet points 1-2 relevant images
Slide 5: Counterclaim Type out counterclaim and your rebuttal Use 1 CD and CM as your rebuttal 1-2 relevant images
Slide 6: Conclusion 2-3 main points from your conclusion paragraph Summarize these main steps using bullet points 1 relevant image
Slide 7: Video Clip Find a clip online that supports your side of the argument Write a 4-5 sentence summary of what the video entails
Slide 8: Personal Reflection 4-5 bullet points about how this unit has shaped your thinking about parenthood, how do you view your parents and what kind of parent would you want to be when you are older? 1-2 relevant images