@ 5:00 pm For Banwell’s Annual Trunk Or Treat! BOO! Come Join Us On SUNDAY, October 25 @ 5:00 pm For Banwell’s Annual Trunk Or Treat! Trunks Needed Prizes for best decorated trunks!!
Cheryl Willis A musical evening featuring: Alex Moir, Alan Brown & Sunday, November 1st @ 7:00 pm In the Banwell Sanctuary A musical evening featuring: Alex Moir, Alan Brown & Cheryl Willis Admission: 1 unexpired, non-perishable food item for the Downtown Mission Food Bank.
Jewelry Sale for Missions When: Fri. Nov 6, 5pm -9pm Sat. Nov 7, 9am – 5pm Fri. Nov. 13, 5pm-9pm Sat. Nov 14, 9am – 5pm Where: Banwell Community Church Something for Everyone! Beautiful and Unique! New and some estate jewelry pieces *ALL Monies will be given to Canadian Baptist Ministries
*Contact Ken Heuston for more information. Men of Courage Next meeting: Wednesday, October 21st, @ 6:45pm in the Fireside Room I never knew a man that accepted Christ and regretted it. (Billy Graham) *Contact Ken Heuston for more information.
Banwell Community Church Men’s Ministry Presents: The Great Escape #6 with Mr. Grant Fairley Where: Holy Family Retreat, Colchester, ON When: Saturday, October 31st Time: 8:00 arrival and registration Cost: $40, includes Lunch Come join us for a wonderful day of learning, lively discussion and enjoy a great speaker and some fellowship. *Please Sign-up on sheet in church foyer Theme: Connections!
Ladies Christmas Tea Sunday, December 1st 7:00 pm Sign up sheets in the foyer