Taxonomy of public services Denis Dechandon, Anikó Gerencsér Publications Office of the European Union Standardisation Unit Metadata Sector 16/05/2019
Taxonomies and other controlled vocabularies Classification of the subjects of an organisation with the resulting catalogue that provides the framework for analysis and information retrieval Tool to access information Classification and enrichment of the data Enable cross-referencing between resources Avoid the use of imprecise terminology Enhance semantic and terminological interoperability Foster multilingualism Discoverability and re-use of information
How to build a taxonomy? 1. Gathering information / data collection 2. Drafting and structuring the taxonomy 3. Enriching the data with metadata / terminology / multilingual labels 4. Validating and revising 5. Defining the maintenance and drafting the governance Structure the knowledge Modelling with standards RDF (Resource Description Framework) OWL (Web Ontology Language) SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation System) Identify with URIs SKOS – Simple Knowledge Organisation System Concepts identified by URIs organised in concept schemes Labels preferred / alternative / hidden multilingual Notes Definition/scope note/editorial, history and change note Semantic (concept-to-concept) relations Broader/narrower/related Semantic web technologies SPARQL query language Excel RDF Triple stores Linked Open Data Shared collaborative tools
Maintenance, sharing, use and support