We conclude every worship service with an invitation. What is the Invitation? We conclude every worship service with an invitation. You are encouraged to respond to the truth of God’s Word. The Holy Spirit gives an invitation to every heart that receives a message from God’s Word. The Bible teaches that altars were built as places to mark spiritual decisions. We have designated the stage stairs and front pew chairs as altars where we can bow and pray to the Lord. If you desire to pray, please make your way forward when the invitation is given. You are welcome to pray alone or someone will be available to assist you. Adult Bible Studies (Book of Genesis) Men: Saturdays, 7:30-9:00am Ladies: Mondays, 9:30-11:30am or 6:30-8:30pm See Dave or Carolyn Simpson for more details. 2018 Church Mortgage Managed By: 7500 W. Mount Morris Rd. LLC Date Principal Payment Interest Payment LLC Balance 1/7/19 $6,030.07 $969.93 $284,948.52 2/4/19 $5,850.17 $949.83 $279,098.37 3/4/10 $5,869.67 930.33 $273,228.70 Offerings Weekly Goal Offerings Received Difference Tithes $6,700.00 $15,571.00 $8,871.00 World Missions $1,200.00 $753.00 ($447.00) Mortgage Fund $1,450.00 $551.00 ($899.00) Weekly Totals $9,350.00 $16,875.00 $7,525.00 For service times, events, and information on how to become a member visit www.nfbaptist.org Office: 810-639-9003 Pastor Lewis: 810-247-8715 Pastor Price: 810-348-4285 Website: www.nfbaptist.org E-Mail: office@nfbaptist.org Prayer Requests: prayer@nfbaptist.org
That My House May Be Filled DEMONSTRATION SUNDAY March 24 Begins with breakfast at 9:45am. Invitations and commitment slips are available today. Please be in prayer for those who have been invited. Demonstration Sunday Breakfast sign up is in the lobby. Please let us know what you are able to contribute for this special time. Welcome Team Meeting – Today, immediately following the 11am service, in the Welcome Room (approx. 15 minutes). If you would like more information about this ministry, feel free to attend or contact Jeanie Herrick. Egg Hunt Volunteers Needed: Sign up in the lobby today. Egg Filling – Saturday, April 13, 9:30am (always a FUN time!) Egg Hunt – Saturday, April 20 (see Jeanie Herrick for specifics) Easter Candy Collection - We will need lots of individually wrapped candy, sized to fit inside plastic eggs. Thank you for your participation in this outreach. GROW - “O” Team -Tuesday, March 19, 6:15pm. Business Meeting/2018 Ministry Report – Tuesday, April 2, 6:30pm Uncle Bob Beery’s Final Thank You Banquet & Concert – Sunday, April 7, 1:30pm, Horizons Conference Ctr., Saginaw. Please sign up in the lobby by Sunday, March 24, if you plan to attend. (Adults and teens only, please.) Church Work Week Monday, March 18 – Saturday, March 23. A To-Do list will be available. Mon., Tues., Fri. 9am – 9pm; Sat. 9am – 5pm No work hours on Wed. or *Thur. *Carpets are being cleaned. 2019 Ministry Theme That My House May Be Filled And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. Luke 14:23 Welcome to all our family and guests! As we worship through prayer, music, and preaching, may the Lord Jesus Christ be honored and lifted up. Dale L. Lewis Bobby A. Price, Jr. Co-Pastors March 17, 2019 Who Is Jesus Christ? Scripture Reading: Psalm 102:25-27 TEXT: Hebrews 11:1-14 C.T.T.: The central theme of our text this morning is a very vivid presentation to all who read this wonderful passage of Who Jesus Christ is! He is, of course, the Son of God as our reading indicates. We find first of all: The Expression of the Sonship of Christ Jesus by God the Father Vv. 1-3 A. He Expounds the Mind of God – Vv. 1-2a B. He Executes the Will of God – Vv. 2b-3a C. He Expresses the Heart of God – Vs. 3b-c The Examples of the Sonship of Christ in Scripture – Vv. 4-14 A. His Excellent Name – Vv. 4-5 B. His Earthly Fame – Vv. 6-7 C. His Eternal Claim – Vv. 8-14 1. The Glory of His Person – Vv. 8-9 2. The Glory of His Power – Vs. 10 3. The Glory of His Permanence – Vv. 11-12 4. The Glory of His Position – Vv. 13-14