Nasser's Egyptian Domination By: Jonathan, Lucy, Madeleine, Lauren, Will & Sophia
Egypt until 1945 Nasser was the first Egyptian leader of Egypt since the Pharaohs. Before World War 1, Egypt was a British protectorate. The British Governor influenced politics alongside a ruling class that originated from Turkey. During The Fourteen Points speech in 1818, a group of nationalists, called Wafd Party, planned to plead for Egyptian independence. Britain ignored plead. February 1922- Egypt recognition by Britain as a sovereign state with constitutional monarchy. King Fuad drawn up a new constitution in 1923 which allowed him to dissolve the parliament. Britain retained control of the Suez Canal, could have army stationed there, Have the right to defend rights of foreigners and minorities and determine the status of Sudan. Source: Person page 215-217 Muslim Brotherhood formed in 1928, wanted a holy war on Britain. Anglo-Egyptian treaty of 1936 or the treaty of alliance: Britain could have 10,000 troops in canal zone for 20 years, Egyptian troops to b station in Sudan, and Egyptian became member of the League of Nations.
Egypt and WWII WWII spread to Egypt when Italian forces, aided by the Germans, attacked the British in 1940 Egyptian nationalists supported the Germans, hoping it would drive them out of Egypt In 1942 British High Commissioner forced King Farouk to appoint the pro-British Nahas Pasha as Prime Minister, challenging independence of Egypt The palace was surrounded by British tanks in what was called the Abdin Palace coup, forcing Farouk to comply Military officers reacted with rebellion and anger to the lack of freedom, Nasser was among them In an unpopular decision Egypt declared war on Germany and Japan in 1945, leading to the assassination of Prime Minister Maher Egypt was independent, but still controlled by Britain Source: Pearson Text pg 218
Nasser's Early Years Born January 15th, 1918, Gamal Abdel Nasser spent most of his childhood living with his uncle in Cairo in order to attend school. In 1926, his mother died after giving birth to a third son, an event which greatly shook Nasser and caused schism in the family when his father married a year later. Growing up, Nasser was fascinated with politics and war. He was elected chairman of the Young Egypt Society as a teenager and was involved in politics for most of his youth. He also wanted fervently to join the army, and was admitted to the military academy on his second application. Passionate about being a soldier, Nasser rose the ranks to Colonel, though, as biographer Robert Stephen's put it, "[Nasser] was not so much a soldier who went into politics as a politician who joined the army". Pearson, 218.
Free Officers' Movement Nasser, a war hero of the Israeli War of Independence, helped form a clandestine group within the army called the Free Officers' Movement The group had grown out of anger over the king's failure to stand up to the British Mostly educated, middle class officers Their Six Point Plan: 1. Liquidation of colonialism and the Egyptian traitors 2. End the domination of wealth as power 3. Liquidation of feudalism 4. social equality 5. A Powerful Army 6. free elections and Democracy (Pearson 219)
Post World War II Egypt: Social and Economic Conditions Average per capita income is 40 egyptian pounds (one tenth the average in Britain) 6% of landowners own 65% of the land 77% illiteracy rate over 5 years Life expectancy is 36 years Severe lack of homes and huge wealth gap WWII brought some prosperity to Egypt but afterwards the economy faltered again, unemployment rose, and there was a huge budget deficit (81 million egyptian pounds) Pearson Text (220-221)
Post World War II Egypt: Political Conditions Post-war, egyptians began to clamor for independence from G.B There was a call for reunification with Sudan Mahmoud Fahmi al-Nuqrashi, Prime Minister, calls for renegotiation of the Treaty of 1936 Popular demonstrations break out and 170 are killed in a clash with police in 1946 at the Abbas Bridge in Cairo Pearson Text (220-221)