Effects of light on health CREATING HEALTHY ENVIRONMENTS: HOSPITALS LIGHTING FOR IMPROVED STAFF PERFORMANCE AND PATIENT WELL BEING Efthymia Apodoulianaki, MSc, MRes Building performance Group Supervisor Prof. dr. Helianthe Kort Building Lighting Group Supervisors Prof . dr. ir. Evert van Loenen Dr. ir. Myriam Aries In order to observe how the hospitals are currently used, analyze and gain insight into the impact of lighting on staff performance. To conduct field tests with the implementation of novel lighting technologies two case studies will be used. The healthcare centers involved will be the Meander Medical Centre in Amersfoort and the Jeroen Bosch Hospital in ‘s-Hertogenbosch (Figures 2, 3). Both hospitals are following the healing environment principles. Methodology The four intended phases of the project: Exploration phase Systematic literature review to obtain evidence about the value of a healing environment for hospital staff Choice of hospital ward(s) Qualitative research to investigate the current hospital situations Semi-structured interviews On-site observations Questionnaires Quantitative research Lighting measurements Evaluation of health conditions Decision making phase: Choice of intervention Intervention phase, where novel lighting technologies will be tested in real case studies Evaluation phase: data analysis Background Currently, an investigation on the healthcare system and its possible evolution to achieve sustainability in terms of costs, availability, and outcomes is ongoing. The formation of healing environments in hospitals has risen up in the agenda. According to recent research findings, occupants’ health and wellbeing are affected by the building aspects. Nevertheless, limited evidence was found by previous studies on the impact of lighting on people and their performance. Lighting conditions affect human health in two ways: the visual system and the non - visual system (Figure 1). Problem Statement Studies have shown that there is a correlation between staff satisfaction and patients’ satisfaction. The traditional design of healthcare facilities does not emphasize on staff needs and performance, which may conflict with patients’ needs. As people age, they need more light. The aging workforce escalates the aforementioned problem. As a result, the working environment can be turned into an unfriendly place and the care provided to patients can be of low-grade quality. Research Questions The research questions formulated for this project are: What is the impact of lighting on occupants’ performance, mainly staff? How can artificial light mimic natural light sufficiently? How can lighting conditions contribute to the improvement of staff performance and staff satisfaction with the implementation of novel lighting technologies, and thereby enhance healthcare services and patients’ satisfaction? Aim The aim of this study is to establish/research the relation between lighting conditions and users’ performance and satisfaction, and to propose recommendations regarding the lighting design of hospitals. Figure 2: Meander Medical Centre Effects of light on health Visual system Non-Visual system Alertness Sleep patterns- Circadian cycle Linked with the development of breast cancer among night shifted workers Visual performance Visual comfort (e.g. Glare, visibility) Clinical effects (e.g. Eyestrain, migraines) Figure 1: Effects of Lighting on occupants’ health Figure 3: Jeroen Bosch Hospital / Department of the Built Environment, Building Performance Group & Building Lighting Group