Newsletter Report Salim El Rouayheb July 7, 2019
Newsletter This Year So Far March 2019 and June 2019 issues already published Featured regular columns, such as president column, Awards, BoG minutes Also many reports and contributions on different workshops and activities and news in the society Work on the September issue already started Based on the motions passed by the BoG meeting in ITA (see next slide), the historian column was discontinued Due to the discussions related to the historian column there was a delay in publishing the March issue which also affected the June issue September issue should published on Time
Motions Passed Regarding Newsletter Last Meeting Motion1: The BoG creates a set of bylaw revisions to constitute a formal process for the selection and the appointment of the NL editorial board according to established academic standards and best practices. Motion 2: The BoG guides the newly formed NL editorial committee to institute a formal set of guidelines for contributed columns, including appointment procedures, column contents, and term limits. Motion 3: The NL stops the publication of contributed columns until the formal guidelines are in place.