By Asst. Prof. Dr. Kevin Wongleedee Operation Management By Asst. Prof. Dr. Kevin Wongleedee
High Risk of Violence Employees 1. Have history of violence or bullying 2. Preoccupation with weapons – gun, big knife, bullet, and dynamite 3. Threats with intent to harm self, others, and property
High Risk of Viloence Employees 4. Defiant, demanding, intimidating behavior 5. Frequent disruptive behavior in the workplace 6. Mood swings
HR manager needs to take note when….. 1. There is a dramatic change in the employee’s performance. 2. There is a dramatic change in on-the-job behavior.
Documentation should be… 1. Specific – focus on what is wrong 2. Objective – fair and no bias 3. Factual – fact and not opinion 4. Thorough – detail or list 5. Timely – during the action or right after the action
When HR manager needs to document…. 1. Absenteeism - Frequent unscheduled absences without doctor note - Frequent use of unscheduled vacation time - Frequent emergency absences
When HR manager needs to document…. 2. “On the Job” absenteeism - Frequent trip to water fountain or restroom - long coffee breaks or smoking breaks - Disappear from job location
When HR manager needs to document…. 3. Accidents - Too many accidents on the job - Too many unnecessary minor injury - Too many physical complaints on the job
When HR manager needs to document…. 4. Poor performance - Missed deadlines - high and low productivity - Inability to perform tasks they were able to do in the past
When HR manager needs to document…. 5. Change in personality - Cheerful to quiet, sad, withdrawn - Quick wits to forgetfulness - On time to late and tardy
When HR manager needs to document…. 6. Change in quality of work - Too many mistake - Carelessness - Increasing complaints from customers
When HR manager needs to document…. 7. Change in appearance - Sloppy - inappropriate clothing - Lack of sleep
When HR manager needs to document…. 8. other changes - intoxicate - borrowing money - extremely sensitive - fighting - get angry easily - repeated criticism
Reaction from employees when they were documented. 1. Self-pity - I know this would happen. I’ve never been able to do anything right.
Reaction from employees when they were documented. 2. Anger Dam it ! One mistake and the roof falls in – after 15 years of working hard in this firm.
Reaction from employees when they were documented. 3. Hopelessness - I may as well quit right now.
Reaction from employees when they were documented. 4. Blaming - It’s not my fault…..
Reaction from employees when they were documented. 5. Apology and promise - I am sorry. You know that I’ll never do it again.
Reaction from employees when they were documented. 6. Other…student’s ideas
What HR can do? 1. Punish them for poor performance such as warning, demote, etc. 2. Help them to solve problems. 3. Help them to get professional help such as psychologists or counseling group. 4. Terminated them
Assignment # 4 1. What are the six characteristics of high risk of violence employees? 2. List the eight situations that HR needs to document with one of your own example for each. 3. What are the typical reaction from employees when they are documented? Explain with one of your own example for each reaction.
High Risk of Violence Employees 1. Have history of violence or bullying 2. Preoccupation with weapons – gun, big knife, bullet, and dynamite 3. Threats with intent to harm self, others, and property 4. Defiant, demanding, intimidating behavior 5. Frequent disruptive behavior in the workplace 6. Mood swings