Conversion of CD11bhighCD27high NK cells into MDSCs leads to CD11bhighCD27high and CD11bhighCD27low NK cell reduction. Conversion of CD11bhighCD27high NK cells into MDSCs leads to CD11bhighCD27high and CD11bhighCD27low NK cell reduction. The conventional NK cells from the mice that were injected subcutaneously with EL4 tumor cells (CD45.2 mice) were sorted and transferred into CD45.1 tumor-bearing mice. At 2 weeks posttransfer, the recipient mice were sacrificed and were analyzed for transferred cells (CD45.2+CD45.1−) in the spleen. A, the percentages of Gr1+CD11b+ MDSCs and CD122/NK1.1 expression among the transferred cells were analyzed by FACS. B, the graph indicates the percentage of Gr1+CD11b+ MDSCs shown in A. C, the maturation state of NK cells was analyzed for transferred cells (CD45.2+CD45.1−). The graphs indicate the numbers of CD11bhighCD27high (D) and CD11bhighCD27low (E) NK cells derived from the transferred cells. The data represent the mean ± SEM. The data are representative of 2-independent experiments. *, P < 0.05 (n = 3). Shaded, isotype control. Young-Jun Park et al. Cancer Res 2013;73:5669-5681 ©2013 by American Association for Cancer Research