AVCA Convention 2018 Coaching 101 Lessons Advice Secrets Sue Gozansky USAV - CAP
Little Known Fact #10
Little Known Fact #9
Little Known Fact #8 We don’t always know what we think we know so never assume anything
Little Known Fact #7 Searching for players is like on line dating
Little Known Fact #6 The most important kind of talent may only become apparent upon training
Little Known Fact #5 Doctors bury their mistakes but mine are still on scholarship
Little Known Fact #4 You can practice every day & not get any better
Little Known Fact #3 Training with negative reinforcers, punishment, yelling & criticism is not the best way
Little Known Fact #2 When athletes screw up it’s a teaching opportunity not a punishment opportunity
Little Known Fact #1 Anything worth doing is worth doing badly at the beginning
Coaching is a lot harder than you think Little Known Fact #0 Coaching is a lot harder than you think
In Conclusion Have a great holiday! Safe travels! Much success in & out of coaching