Article 8 Guidance – Integration levels and methods


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Presentation transcript:

Article 8 Guidance – Integration levels and methods Suzannah Walmsley WG GES, 21 June 2016, Brussels

Objectives of Guidance Requested by DG GES to provide consistent and coherent approach to Article 8 assessments Based on revised Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standards for GES and outputs from MS Workshop (20-21 April 2016, Brussels) Key points: Sequence for integration of criteria Methods for integration Level at which integration stops Presentation of assessment outputs

Current state-of-play Introduction – draft, to be further developed Overarching Principles – draft, to be developed after descriptors are further developed All pressure descriptors drafted All state descriptors drafted: Requesting input from WG GES to advise on recommended levels and methods for integration

D2 – Non-Indigenous Species D2C1 single indicator. D2C2, D2C3 species- and habitat-specific, feed in to D1 Status of D2 determined by D2C1 only

D2 – Non-Indigenous Species No outstanding issues for D2 A draft section for D2 was not available for discussion at the Workshop No comments were received from DG GES on this section in the commenting round following the Workshop WG GES is invited to consider and agree on the recommended levels and methods of integration for D2

D5 – Eutrophication Level 2 – regionally-agreed, may use e.g weighted averaging or scoring. Level 3 – criteria brought together to direct/indirect effects; regionally-agreed either OOAO or weighted averaging Level 4 – OOAO across nutrient enrichment, direct and indirect effects

D5 – Eutrophication Integration approach groups criteria into direct and indirect effects (following feedback from the workshop) Provision of outputs suitable to inform assessments of pelagic and benthic habitats under D1 and D6 still need to be defined Integration rules for levels 3 and 4: The Workshop did not agree on a single approach – possible available methods were recorded, and recommendation for OOAO to be used only on one of the levels only (not both) WG GES is invited to narrow down the options for assessment to progress on comparability and coherence based on the above recommendation for methods of integration at level 3 and level 4 Using WFD assessment results, either: use the WFD water body status classification, MSFD D5 assessment only for waters beyond 1 nm/WFD water bodies use the WFD assessment results for the relevant criteria, combine following same integration scheme as offshore waters WG GES is invited to agree on the approach for integrating WFD assessment results for D5 assessment

D8 – Contaminants Level 2 – criterion-specific. D8C1 OOAO of contaminant indicators (single or groups of substances) Level 3 – no integration. D8C1, D8C2, D8C3 contribute to status of D8

D8 – Contaminants (D8C1, D8C2) Level 2: The workshop did not agree levels and methods of integration, 2 opinions (indicators are integrated using OOAO; indicators are not integrated, but summary ratios can be presented) WG GES is invited to conclude on the recommended levels and methods of integration for D8C1, noting : the proposed definition of ‘contaminant’ providing flexibility for regional agreement of the assessment the presentation of the ratio of substances below and above thresholds under Opinion 2 will also require combining matrix results to express the status for the contaminant the recommendation of the Workshop to include an indication of ‘legacy’ substances in the assessment output Level 3: Role of D8C2, weighting WG GES is invited to conclude on the recommended level and method of integration for level 3 and the role of D8C2 with a view to informing the discussions on the revision of COM Decision.

D8 – Contaminants (D8C3, D8C4) The workshop did not discuss these criteria in detail, which were not anticipated to contribute to GES WG GES is invited to advise on the role of D8C3 and D8C4 and assessment outputs for D8C3 with a view to informing the discussions on the revision of COM Decision

D3 – Commercially-exploited fish Level 2 - D3C1 & D3C2 likely only one indicator per stock per criterion. D3C3, the integration method still needs to be determined, together with operationalising indicators for assessment. Level 3 – OOAO, but consideration of D3C3 (not yet operational) Level 4 – no integration. Presented as number of assessed stocks in GES, and number not assessed.

D3 – Commercially-exploited fish The draft section on D3 was not discussed in detail at the Workshop. No comments received from DG GES on this section in the subsequent commenting round. Issues and questions: D3C3 is a primary criterion, but D3C3 indicators are not operational for most stocks How to deal with D3C3 in the 2018 assessment? In some regions, many stocks do not have quantitative stock assessments How to deal with stocks that are not assessed in the judgement of the extent to which GES is achieved for D3? WG GES is invited to consider and agree on the recommended integration methods for the approach taken for D3C3 the approach to including the number of commercially-exploited species not assessed in expressing the extent to which GES is achieved

D1 – Species Species-approach to integration, using species groups. Level 2 – integration method not yet defined (may not be required for most criteria). Level 3 – according to species (Hab Dir, or regionally-agreed) Level 4 – proportion of species (conditional rule); Level 5 - OOAO

D1 – Species The Workshop agreed on the species approach for mammals and reptiles, but noted important arguments for a criteria approach for birds and fish Questions for WG GES: Can WG GES agree on the species approach to integration, with additional presentation of information by criteria, if desired? What integration method should be used for level 2 (where there is >1 indicator for a criterion)? WG GES is invited to consider and agree on the recommended levels and methods of integration for D1 Species

D1 – Habitats (benthic) Level 2: indicators for a broad habitat type are combined to provide extent of impact from pressures Level 3: D1C5 = D6C3 (area lost) and habitat extent; D1C6 = D6C2, extent of impacts from other pressures and habitat extent; Sum (or other, if cumulative/synergistic effects, and proportion. Level 4: Conditional – area lost and impacted, and the sum, must be within thresholds

D1 – Habitats (benthic) The Workshop had extensive and detailed discussions on assessment approaches for habitats. The integration figure simplifies their output to focus on the integration of the COM Dec criteria WG GES is invited to consider and agree on the recommended levels and methods of integration for D1 Habitats (benthic)

D1 – Habitats (pelagic) Level 2: indicators combined to indicator groups through averaging Level 3: indicator groups combined to D1C6 through averaging Level 4: only one criterion, therefore no integration Level 5: no integration of broad habitat types

D1 – Habitats (pelagic) The Workshop proposed an integration approach for pelagic habitats that assessed habitats separately according to the following sub-types: Permanently stratified Seasonally stratified Permanently mixed Regions of freshwater influence Intermittently stratified These categories differ from the broad habitat types identified in the revised COM Dec: Variable salinity Coastal Shelf Oceanic/beyond shelf WG GES is invited to consider and agree on the recommended levels and methods of integration use of broad habitat types, or habitat sub-types

D4 - Ecosystems Level 2: In many cases, may only be one indicator per criterion. Otherwise, regionally-agreed method Level 3: Criteria integrated to trophic guild using OOAO Level 4: No integration to descriptor level

D4 - Ecosystems No outstanding issues on D4 A draft section for D4 was not available for discussion at the Workshop No comments were received from DG GES on D4 WG GES is invited to consider and agree on the recommended levels and methods of integration for D4

D6 – Physical loss and damage Level 2: D6C1 & D6C3 – indicators combined if needed (sum or other if overlapping pressures or cumulative/synergistic effects); D6C2 – extent of impact per habitat type Level 3: No integration (D6C1 contributes to D6C2; D6C2 & D6C3 contribute to D1)

D6 – Physical loss and damage Outputs feed in to seabed habitat assessments under Descriptor 1 (D6C2  D1C6, D6C3  D1C5). There will not be an assessment in relation to GES for Descriptor 6 WG GES is invited to consider and agree on the recommended levels and methods of integration for D6

D7 – Hydrographical conditions Level 2: D7C1 – combined (to be agreed regionally); D7C2 – no integration Level 3: no integration

D7 – Hydrographical conditions D7C1 contributes to D7C2, which contributes to D1 Habitats. There will not be an assessment in relation to GES for Descriptor 7 No outstanding issues on D7 The draft section on D7 was not available at the Workshop for discussion In the DG GES commenting round on this section following the Workshop, comments were received from the UK (addressed) WG GES is invited to consider and agree on the recommended levels and methods of integration for D7

D9 – Contaminants in seafood Level 2: Level 3: Only one criterion, so no integration

D9 – Contaminants in seafood No outstanding issues on D9 The draft section on D9 was not available at the Workshop for discussion In the DG GES commenting round on this section following the Workshop, no comments were received More detailed guidance will be required on level 1 WG GES is invited to consider and agree on the recommended levels and methods of integration for D9

D10 – Marine litter Level 2: Not yet possible to define – methods, indicators and thresholds being defined by TG Litter Level 3: No integration. D10C1 & D10C2 (and potentially D10C3) contribute to GES for D10. D10C4 feeds in to D1 Species

D10 – Marine litter Level 2 requires further input from TG Marine Litter The Workshop did not discuss the draft section on D10 No comments were received on the integration methods in the commenting round of DG GES following the Workshop WG GES is invited to consider and agree on the recommended levels and methods of integration for D10 (excluding level 2)

D11 – Underwater noise Level 2: Integration methods to be agreed (assessment methods, indicators, thresholds under development Level 3: No integration

D11 – Underwater noise Level 2 requires further input from forthcoming advice for the development of assessment tools for D11 The Workshop did not discuss the draft section on D11 In the DG GES commenting round following the Workshop, comments were received from the UK (addressed) WG GES is invited to consider and agree on the recommended levels and methods of integration for D11 (excluding level 2)

Thank you for your attention Suzannah Walmsley +44 (0) 2380 711 858