Multiplying Decimals Chapter 4
To Multiply: Step 1: Multiply as if the factors were whole numbers. Step 2: Count the decimal places in all of the factors. Step 3: Place the same amount of numbers behind the decimal in the product that was in the factors.
Example: 5.63 x 3.7 How many decimal places are in each factor? 1 4 2 5.63 two x 3.7 one 1 1 39 4 1 1 + 16 8 9 How many decimal places should be in the product? 2 8 3 1 three
Example: 0.53 x 2.618 2.618 has more digits (4) than 0.53 (3), so it goes on top. How many decimal places are in each factor? 3 4 1 2 2.618 three x 0.53 two 1 7 8 5 4 13 9 How many decimal places are in the product? + 00 1 3 8 7 5 4 five
Try This: 6.5 x 15.3 Which number should go on top? 3 1 2 1 How many decimal places are in each factor? 15.3 one x 6.5 one 1 7 6 5 + 9 1 8 How many decimal places should be in the product? 9 9 4 5 two
Place the decimal in the product in the correct place 7.56 x 3.8 = 28728 287.28 Which one is the correct answer? 2872.8 28.728
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Try another 3445 x 3.9 = 134355 134.355 13435.5 1.34355
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Last one 13.723 x 122.5 = 16810675 1,681.0675 16,810.675 168.10675
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