NRC’s fourth investigation over the last 35 years Availability of NRC’s Draft NUREG-2125 Spent Fuel Transportation Risk Assessment (SFTRA) Investigates safety provided by regulations during spent fuel transportation under both routine and accident conditions NRC’s fourth investigation over the last 35 years Improvements in accident analysis finite element analysis of NRC-certified rail and truck cask designs direct loaded and canistered fuel contents example U.S. cross-country truck and rail routes with updated accident statistics Results - Five technical paper abstracts on SFTRA to be submitted to PATRAM 2013, San Francisco. Selected preview: Routine conditions: collective doses are about four to five orders of magnitude less than collective background radiation dose over the same time period and exposed population as the shipment. Accident conditions: contents would not be released in any U.S. historical accident if the fuel is contained in a welded canister inside the cask. To download (50MB): Accession Number ML12125A218 ADAMS is available at the following link This link will take you to the Web-based ADAMS page. At the top of that page, select the Content Search tab. In the Document Content field, enter Spent Fuel Transportation Risk Estimate. In the Document Properties field, click in the space under "Property", and from the drop-down list, select Accession Number. Then click the space under "Value", and enter ML12125A218. Then click the "Search" button above. An entry for NUREG-2125 should then appear in the area to the right of the search fields. Right click on the entry and select "Download".