Grammar Focus: Punctuation- The Apostrophe
Writer’s Notebook Entry Write about something that you feel strongly about and try to use at least three contractions. Circle your contractions and write the proof above.
Characterization. Look for information about the characters. Chapter 6 as you read F Figurative Language I Imagery C Characterization. Look for information about the characters.
Shared inquiry Each group member will share at least two quotes that they marked. (person with the darkest socks goes first).
Chapter 6 Discussion Question What can you infer about the relationship between Beah and his brother? Find a quote to back up your inference. (Write down your inference and highlight the quote in your NOOK).
Chapter 6 Reflection What can you infer about Beah based on this chapter? (What kind of person is he?)Find a quote to back up your inference. Answer in the APE format. Type your answer into the class padlet:
Chapter 7 AS you read * Use a star for significant information, devices, and strategies you notice. ! Use an exclamation point to indicate what you feel strongly about in the article. ? Use a question mark next for parts that are confusing or next to any information that you’d like to explore further.
Shared inquiry Each group member will share at least two quotes that they marked. (person with the darkest hair goes first).
Chapter 7 Discussion Question What does Ishmael’s encounter with the family while swimming in a river tell you about the effects of the war on the citizens?
Characterization. Look for information about the characters. Chapter 8 AS you read F Figurative Language I Imagery C Characterization. Look for information about the characters.
Chapter 8 – Homework How has Beah changed from the beginning of the war to how he is in chapter 8. Use quotes to back up your inferences.