Developing and Promoting Mitigation Best Practices and Case Studies Communication Strategy
Communication Strategy: What is it? A cooperative agreement initiative of the Mitigation Division Office of Public Affairs Recovery Division Includes the Federal Coordinating Officers and the Community Relations Staff The strategy is flexible and can be also used during a non-declaration period Simplifies the documentation procedures for mitigation best practices and case studies
Purpose Develop and Promote Mitigation Best Practices and Case Studies Increase public awareness of effective mitigation strategies Compel communities, individuals and businesses to take action Provide examples of mitigation actions or projects that have been tested. • Illustrate how mitigation works to reduce loss of life and property.
Best Practices Tell a story and generally use a human- interest approach to document a variety of mitigation methods that have resulted in reducing impacts from natural and man-made disasters. Story topic should reflect FEMA/State or Local mitigation strategies for the current event. Usually a one page format with accompanying photos/artwork and facts.
Case Studies Provide a greater in-depth, technical and/or statistical look at effective mitigation practices Study topic should reflect FEMA/State or Local mitigation strategies for the current event. Previous HMGP projects for the declared area are frequently good subject material for case studies; the project probably has been tested by the current event and the performance can be analyzed. Costs avoided or actual dollars saved may be quantifiable. This information further supports the value of the mitigation project. Decisions regarding case study development are made by Mitigation staff at the Disaster Field Office, regional and headquarters levels.
Strategy Mitigation and Public Affairs Office joint initiative Utilize Disaster Field Office, Federal and State Resources Formalize the process Provide objectives, criteria, key messages, delivery plan, resources Includes step-by-step Roles & Responsibilities for pre-declaration, declaration and post disaster phases Mitigation and Public Affairs partnership utilizing unique expertise and skills to develop the product. Takes a multi-hazard approach. Refines the “success story” concept.
Pre-Declaration Includes the period that precedes a presidential disaster declaration and encompasses activities that occur in a Regional Office, at the site of a disaster event, in a Regional Operations Center and/or in an Interim Operating Facility These activities also include those that occur in non-disaster environment. Refer to charts in the Communication Strategy document
Declaration Includes the period following a presidential disaster declaration, and encompasses activities that occur in a Regional Office, at the site of a disaster event, in a Regional Operations Center and/or in an Interim Operating Facility to and through operation of a Disaster Field Office. Refer to charts in Communication Strategy document.
Declaration (continued) Continuation of chart in Communication Strategy document
Post-Declaration Includes the period following the closure of a Disaster Field Office as activities transition back to a Regional Office and to the state. Refer to flowcharts in Communication Strategy document
Implementation Provides format and template for national consistency of documenting mitigation best practices Standard Operating Procedure Federal Coordinating Officer Operational priorities Sample forms and suggestions are included on the Communication Strategy Toolkit CD – FEMA 479-CD/September 2004 Review the FCO/SCO action plan; Best Practices & Case Studies should be identified as a priority.
Implementation (continued) Disaster Field Office based orientation and training Inclusion in Mitigation and Public Affairs Office cadre training Coordinate with DFTO to present an overview of the Mitigation Best Practices and Case Studies Communication Strategy to the DFO staff. Orienting the DFO staff to the strategy will assist with the identification of potential best practices.
Best Practices and Case Studies webpage: will be promoted by Mitigation and Public Affairs Office staff in partnership with local, state and private sector partners. will be included in a national, accessible portfolio of Mitigation Best Practices and Case Studies that appeals to a variety of audiences. Best Practices and Case Studies webpage: Reviewing the existing Best Practices on the FEMA/FIMA website provides good ideas for identifying mitigation best practices and formatting a story.
Developing and Promoting Mitigation Best Practices and Case Studies Communication Strategy