UCD Books on Prescription Health and Wellbeing Collection Dr. Fiona Thompson
Sheffield University Health Centre
Neil Frude - Cardiff 2008
Inspiration - Health Sciences Library
Where do the book titles come from? Incorporates the Books on Prescription scheme from UK. Additions come from staff in both the Student Health Services and the Library along with Student Counselling Service, Student Advisers and outside mental health care providers. Review of current high street bookshop titles Other recommendations
Prescription pad
Official Launch 2009
Health & Wellbeing Collection
Health and Wellbeing Collection 2018 Branch of UCD Library Number of Books Health Sciences 445 James Joyce Library 738 Blackrock Library 21
Top 10 Titles November 2017 – HSL Author 1. The feeling good handbook David D. Burns. 2. Mindfulness: a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world Mark Williams and Danny Penman 3. Understanding diabetes Rudy Bilous. 4. Pilates: Body in motion Alycea Ungaro 5. Lore of running Timothy Noakes. 6. The curious incident of the dog in night-time Mark Haddon 7. The little book of mindfulness Patricia Collard 8. Understanding food and nutrition Joan Webster –Gandy 9. The five people you meet in heaven Mitch Albom 10. Overcoming anxiety, stress and panic Chris Williams
Top 5 Titles November 2017 – James Joyce Library Author The official driver theory test: Road Safety Authority Lonely Planet : France The feeling good handbook David D. Burns Use your head Tony Buzan Overcoming low self-esteem Melanie J.V. Fennell,
What does the library think? One of the most popular collections within the library Performs on a par with their high demand short loan books that are on course reading lists Have developed the collection profile within the library giving it more space Extended the collection to their smaller satellite libraries Continue to provide senior library staff support
Theft is always an issue!
Library Guides UCD http://libguides.ucd.ie/healthandwellbeing
E- books Initially very few available that were appropriate for the collection Now more and more titles on-line Cost to the library service UCD collection have added their first 50 E- books this spring
Funding & the Future Initial sponsorship by Wyeth/Pfizer Further support on the official launch Input from UCD Student Services Library further enhanced the collection Regular addition of book titles National links with supported by Pfizer ?
Health Ireland Initiative