Male Organ Atrophy 101: Everything a Man Should Know About Member Shrinkage


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Atrophy 101: Everything a Man Should Know About Member Shrinkage

Member shrinkage. Ugh, it sounds like a dirty word. Male organ atrophy sounds even worse because it has a medical ring of terror around it. Both represent the same thing: it’s a condition in which the size of a member appears to decrease (or actually does) due to a large loss of male organ tissue. Male organ atrophy is not permanent for all men and can sometimes be reversed or at least significantly helped. Let’s talk about what causes male organ atrophy, how to fix it in the case of temporary shrinkage, and tips to prevent it in the future.

What Causes Male Organ Atrophy? There are several different causes of male organ atrophy. Here are a few of the most common ones, some permanent and some influenced by a lifestyle that has been linked to member shrinkage. Old Man Time – Age is an unescapable truth, and while wisdom and self- image usually improve, it can take a toll on a man’s soldier. Accumulated scar tissue from years of crazy partner play and sports injuries can have a negative effect on the spongy tissue that aids in firmness, leading to member shrinkage.

Smoking Causes Smaller Sausages – Smoking shrinks and damages blood vessels in the body, including those in the member, which can prevent blood flow from reaching the manhood. This is proved by a study out of Boston University School of Medicine that found that male smokers had smaller members. If that doesn’t make a man quit, what will? Too Many Beers and Hot Wings – Weight gain, especially visceral fat in the abdomen, can make a member look smaller, giving it a shrinking effect. The member is attached to the abdominal wall, and when the stomach inflates, it pulls the member inward, reducing its visible size. Regain inches on your junk by reducing inches on your waistline.

Peyronie’s Disease – This disease is marked by the buildup of scar tissue, which causes the member to become drastically curved when firm and can be quite painful. Peyronie’s can result in a decrease in both the length and girth of a man’s mister. Medication – Medications like Adderall, antipsychotics, and antidepressants can cause member shrinkage. See a doctor for more details, and always ask about side effects!

How Can a Man Treat Member Shrinkage? There are several ways to deal with male organ atrophy. Here are a few ways a man can lessen or reverse member shrinkage: Lose the Nicotine – While there are many reasons to quit smoking (yes, vaping too), keeping the member strong is a very persuasive one. Smoking shrinks and deteriorates the blood vessels. Remember this mantra: Cigarette butts kill boners! Whittle the Waist – It’s time to shed some pounds. The member will look bigger, and it will work better because there is less in the way of the blood flow.

Male Enhancers – Boost blood flow with Daddy’s little helpers. Male enhancement medications will help most men achieve and maintain stronger, powerful hard-ons. Heart patients should always be careful with these tablets. Only use male performance aids that are prescribed by your personal doctor – don’t borrow one from a buddy. Surgery for Severe Cases – Those men who have Peyronie’s disease or excessive scar tissue on their member can find help with ultrasound treatments or surgery. These won’t reverse shrinkage but can improve male organ feeling and sensual performance.

Male Organ Atrophy Prevention Okay, so aging is off the table. If a man could figure that one out, he’d be the richest man in the world. Let’s talk about realistic things men can do to avoid member shrinkage. First of all, talk to your doctor! If anything weird is going on downstairs, don’t wait! Next, maintain a healthy weight, eat a diet full of protein, good fats, and lots of vitamin- and mineral-rich fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Now the fun tip – have a lot of hard-ons, even if they go unused. The member is a muscle that needs to be worked or else the muscle atrophies, just like biceps and quads.

Finally, maintain male organ health. Keep it clean and free of infection. Practice safe intimacy always. Men who want to really keep their member is great shape use a specifically formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) daily or multiple times a day to rejuvenate and protect their member. These crèmes contain vital vitamins, amino acids, nutrients, and minerals that keep the member strong, vigorous, and healthy for years to come.Man 1 Man Oil