Session 3 ‘Working arrangements’ 3.1 – membership and constituencies
“making UHC2030 work for its membership, and the membership work for UHC2030”
Do we have everyone’s voice? Steering Committee composition: countries; intn’l organisations; philanthropic foundations; civil society; private sector Mobilisation of other stakeholders through related initiatives: health workforce(GHWN), academia (HSG, alliance, gov) Mobilisation of stakeholders through our work: parliaments and media (budget advocacy), Elders, youth, women What about: providers? unions? anyone else? Representation: consider opening a few additional SC seats?
How to make current arrangements work better? Consolidate working arrangements for each constituency (representation, coordination and rotation) Strengthen the knowledge & network function of UHC2030: good dynamics among related initiatives; knowledge hub in progress more explicit “offer” for collaboration beyond health systems Protect our unique identity: consensus vs individual constituency voice; support from our “principals” for greater traction Adopt a conflict of interest policy Review rationale/functioning of working groups
Session 3 ‘Working arrangements’ 3.2 – use us or lose us
UHC2030 value proposal Initial promising progress in delivery More focused strategic narrative articulated around a compelling offer: voice, working better together, knowledge & networks Results framework that articulates how our success looks like Initial promising progress in delivery Time to take the necessary steps to ensure we give ourselves the means of our ambitions
Current financial situation How to make current arrangements work better? Minimum annual budget: USD 3 million – on average around USD 5 million Budget for 2019 scaled down at USD 4.449 million Current income situation: USD 2.722 million Need to mobilise at least USD 1.727 + multi-year commitments (beyond grants from EC and Luxembourg) Way forward: Outreach to potential donors Trust fund – greater flexibility + mobilization of new funding Every constituency to take responsibility in helping mobilise funds