Southern Africa
Introduction In all of Southern Africa, black Africans outnumber white Africans, but still own little of the land This is an end result of colonization There are sizable White and Asian minorities Rich in resources, as is the rest of Africa
Gold Trade Builds Empires Native Empires lived on the gold trade The country Zimbabwe actually took their name from the most powerful of these: Great Zimbabwe A series of Empires rose and fell in this region until the Europeans came The Dutch were the first colonial power
Ethnic Clash for Southern Africa Europeans in the 1700’s and 1800’s had conflicts with the Africans (Ex.-British and Zulu) 1890’s British battled the Dutch settlers or Boers in Boer War. British win and form South Africa.
Southern Africa Grows Economically High amounts of gold, platinum, and uranium Apartheid hurt the economy. Foreign nations imposed economic sanctions Two economies: One like the U.S. with industrial complexes in Johannesburg and Cape Town. Other poverty stricken rural areas.
Success at a Cost- Bostwana Money from valuable resources, but has agricultural problems, and unequal distribution of wealth. Discovered diamonds after independence. By 1995-world’s 3rd largest diamond producer. (63% gov. revenue) 80% are farmers who don’t benefit from diamond revenue.
AIDS Affects Southern Africa By 1999, most severe AIDS countries were in Southern Africa. Bostwana life expectancy was 60 in 1994, then 39 in 1999. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for: 69% of all people living with AIDS 70% of all AIDS deaths
Living in S. Africa Johannesburg 100 years ago small mining town Very modern today, basically 2 different cities white suburbs black townships Modern and Traditional Some South Africans are doctors, lawyers, and businesspeople. Some ethnic groups follow a traditional role of being farmers, traders, or herders Zulu People