Control System Overview Hamid Shoaee LCLS Control System Manager


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Presentation transcript:

Control System Overview Hamid Shoaee LCLS Control System Manager

Outline Control System Scope and Organization Injector Control System Installation Technical Progress Project Status and Metrics Six month look ahead Summary

LCLS Control System is at WBS Level 3 John Galayda – Project Director Mark Reichanadter – Chief Engineer ----------------------------------------------------- Steve Milton – ANL Project Director Richard Bionta – LLNL Project Director e-Beam Dave Shultz Photon-Beam John Arthur Conventional Facilities Jess Albino Controls Manager Hamid Shoaee 1.2 Injector Manager Eric Bong 1.3 LINAC Manager Eric Bong 1.4 Undulator Manager Steve Milton 1.5 X-Ray ODT Manager Richard Bionta 1.6 End Station Stefan Moeller 1.2.2 Injector Controls 1.3.2 Linac Controls 1.4.2 Undulator Controls 1.5.2 XTOD Controls 1.6.2 XES Controls There are Controls Components in every WBS Level 2

LCLS Control System has larger scope than typical accelerator controls The scope extends from connection to beam line components, to data acquisition systems for end-station detectors Cable plant, racks, wiring, termination Global systems Magnet power supplies and control Vacuum Timing Networks, Servers, Control Room upgrades Safety systems Personnel Protection Machine Protection Beam Containment

LCLS Control System Scope… Beam Instrumentation & Diagnostics BPM Profile monitors and other beam imaging systems Toroid charge monitors Wire scanners Bunch Length Monitor High level applications software, physics modeling, feedback systems Experimental end station controls Laser controls, timing and synchronization X-Ray detector control software Spectrometer Control data acquisition & data management

LCLS Controls Group Staffing The control system development is performed by a matrixed group of about 50 engineers and technicians organized in two dozen engineering teams Each multi-disciplinary team manages the full product lifecycle from specification and design to engineering development, production, installation and commissioning Following a recent re-organization, the LCLS & SLAC controls effort have been integrated into one Controls Department The LCLS Control Group is now matrixed within the Control Department

LCLS Controls Group is now fully integrated & matrixed within the SLAC Controls Department

Controls ETC We have performed a bottom-up cost estimate of the remaining Controls effort from the injector through the experimental end station (XES) Identified a few systems with insufficient cost estimates, new scope, or cost changes due to changes in engineering approach Primary increases were in the areas of safety systems including MPS, PPS and BCS and power supply controls

LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line Injector Controls Installation Complete LTU/und. Install Controls Checkout LTU/und. hall “ready” First Spont. Light A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J 2006 2007 2008 Gun/Inj./BC1 Install (8/21 – 2/20) Gun/Inj./BC1 Commissioning Inj./Linac/BC2 Commissioning linac/BC2 Install LTU/und. Commissioning Oct. 19, 2006

Controls Availability for Pre-Beam Checkouts Vault and Linac Checkouts Power on access: Check polarity of magnets Read-backs , Motion controller: Exercise motion-control Screen camera images: Use Alignment laser to define screen center Pre-Beam preparation Laser stabilization system Fiducializing of real cathode location w.r.t virtual cathode LLRF for Gun, L0a, L0b (Volt. feedback, Phase Lock) Start conditioning (Gun, L0a, L0b) when PPS ready Dark current measurement Vacuum pumps and gauges reading available Feedback loops for gun temperature stabilization

Injector Control System Installation Almost all procurement is complete Controls installation is taking place in several stages Installation of cable plant. Phase I – Injector (Apr. ’06 thru Jun. ’06) – Completed Phase II – Linac (Aug. ’06 thru Dec. ’06) – In Progress Installation of the electronics racks. Installation of electronics chassis, modules, and intra-rack wiring Installation of the Controls software on the production servers

Phase I Cable including Laser Room Completed in June Phase II Cable Plant Currently in progress Will be completed in December BC1 Area

All electronics racks for injector controls have been installed

Technical Update February 2006 – October 2006 Magnet power supply control hardware & software Final Design Review conducted successfully Hardware installation is complete EPICS Software – almost complete and tested System Integration on Nov 10, 2006 Vacuum control system all electronics installed, software nearing completion Timing system Procurement completed Two test stands are equipped and available Tasks in progress Hardware testing – jitter, Applications software

Update February 2006 – October 2006 Safety Systems PPS LCLS Injector PPS Reviews are Complete The Radiation Safety Committee has approved the design based on PLC The design is complete and installation is in progress Injector MPS Using existing linac infrastructure Hardware procurement is almost complete Installation will be completed in early December BCS Prevents radiation from ‘escaping’ the shielding enclosure Protection of safety-critical collimators and stoppers Hardware is nearing readiness for installation in November

Injection Laser Stabilization System The injector laser stabilization system includes two feedback loops The loop operates @ 1 Hz, and the camera is synced to 120Hz. The prototype of the first loop has been tested for several months and works well. Actuator A1 Camera A Laser Actuator A2 Actuator B1 Actuator B2 Camera B Spiricon

Beam Instrumentation and Diagnostics Beam profile imaging system hardware and software currently being tested BPM electronics in fabrication Toroid, Faraday cup – design is complete, electronics fabrication in November Bunch length monitor – commercial electronics are on hand, SLAC designed digitizer will be available in November Wire Scanners – Hardware Tested (without beam), Calibrated, and currently being installed, software is almost complete

Injection Wire Scanners after Assembly 6 of the 7 wire scanners, shown here awaiting calibration. Currently, all calibrated and on their way downstairs.

LLRF Hardware Available for Injector Turn-on Linac Sector 0 RF Upgrade All 3 RF Chassis Installed Sector 20 RF distribution system equipment near completion LLRF Control and Monitor System most components either ready or in fabrication Beam Phase Cavity 3 units Complete Phase and amplitude control and detection software is complete; feedback loops ready RF Gun Temperature Feedback – In Design

High Level Applications Software Combination of existing controls software and new applications developed in MATLAB

Basis of Estimate

TEC Estimate to Complete Cost to Go at WBS Level 3 1.XX LCLS Controls $M, Burdened, Escalated TEC Estimate to Complete Contingency % Contingency Total Estimated Cost (TEC) 20.46 27.0% 5.53 1.01.03 Technical Integration 2.66 29.2% 0.78 1.02.02 Injector Controls Subsystem 1.15 34.6% 0.40 1.03.02 Linac Controls & Power Conversion Subsystem 7.23 27.2% 1.96 1.03.06 Linac RF Subsystem 0.23 22.4% 0.05 1.04.02 Controls 2.26 0.61 1.05.02 Controls 1.26 19.8% 0.25 1.06.02 XES Controls 5.67 25.9% 1.47

Level 3 Milestones Next 12-month milestones are Dec 06 – Injector Controls Installation Complete Dec 07 – Linac controls ready for commissioning May 07 – XES cable plant complete

Controls Cost and Schedule Variance Analysis SPI = .75 CPI = 1.02 Schedule variance = $589,984 Two factors are contributing to the schedule variance Beam Containment Subsystem -$275,427 This variance is real: We delayed procurement & fabrication until Oct-Nov. Installation will be complete in December to meet control system readiness milestone. Following work is completed and will claim BCWP in September E-Beam Diagnostics -$167,328 Timing Controls -$123,140 Vacuum Controls -$7,323 Software & Controls infrastructure -$16,766 TOTAL -$314557

Issues Several systems will be ready for installation in December, lather than we would like, but with no impact on the March Injector commissioning BPM electronics – The design has just been released for fabrication and assembly. Installation in December Toroid Charge Monitor electronics – The design has been completed, board layout next week, fabrication and assembly early November. Installation in December Timing system – software available in December, cable plant design almost ready for procurement XES Controls – large amount of controls development is required. We need to proceed with this work concurrent with Linac and Undolator controls effort.

Summary Great progress has been made in the past eight months towards readiness for injector installation All controls subsystems are expected to be available and tested for pre-beam checkout and March commissioning An ETC exercise has identified and fixed a number shortcomings in the baseline budget The integration of controls effort at SLAC is ensuring the availability of required expertise and resources to complete the control system development While commissioning the injector, we need to be mindful of the installation schedule for the rest of the machine including the experimental areas

Breakout Session 5 – CONTROLS Location – Redwood B, Bldg 48 Oct 24 4:00 Controls Overview H. Shoaee 4:30 Laser Control, Profile monitors, OTR, YAG S. Peng Oct 25 8:00 Racks, Wiring, AC Distribution M. Ortega 8:30 Personnel Protection Systems P. Bong 9:00 Machine Protection Systems S. Norum 9:30 Beam Position Monitors S. Smith 10:00 Break 10:30 Low Level RF D. Kotturi 11:00 Vacuum Control S. Schuh 11:30 Wire Scanners D. Murray 12:00Lunch 1:00 Power Supplies K. Luchini 1:30 Timing system P. Krejcik 2:00 High Level Applications Software Diane Fairley