STATE GRANT COMPETITION – OFFICE HOURS Gerry Cobb Pritzker Children’s Initiative
Questions – 6 or 9 Month Planning Period 6 or 9 month planning period? Answer: Pick the planning period that will assure you have planned enough to create the best plan for your state. If we pick 9 months and then are ready in 6 months, can we submit early? (and vice versa) Answer: Yes to both options. We don’t need 6 months to plan. We’ll have our deliverables completed in 3 months. What do we do? Answer: Get started implementing if you can! Pritzker Children's Initiative: State Grant Competition
“Counting” towards the Ultimate Outcome Required Outcome - Creation and eventual implementation of a policy agenda focused on what is needed across your state to expand services to families with children prenatal to age three with a goal to achieve a 25 percent increase over baseline by 2023 and a 50 percent increase over baseline by 2025 in children and families served by high-quality programs or policies. What counts? Create a plan that makes sense for what your state needs for babies but be cognizant of how many you can ultimately impact. Increased # of infants/toddlers in high quality child care – might include QI, compensation, education, subsidy, bonuses for I/T teachers, etc. Increased services to families with children prenatal to age three might include: Increased home visiting services to families with children prenatal up to age 3 Increased early childhood mental health services Increased services from referrals from developmental screenings Other examples? Pritzker Children's Initiative: State Grant Competition
Outcome “Counting” Example Mythical State Example Target # Policy Estimates # of low-income children 0-3 (under 200 percent Federal Poverty Level) 100,000 25 percent state policy goal to achieve over your baseline number by 2023 – (so if you’re already serving 5000 in a specific strategy then it would be 25% over the baseline # of 5000 25,000 Example Policy Strategies for reaching 25% goal A. Home visiting increases to serve 5000 additional infants and toddlers 5,000 B. An additional 3500 infants and toddlers in high quality child care that did not yet have child care are served under child care subsidy 3500 C. Medicaid is approved for Help Me Grow screenings and referrals which results in increase of services to an additional 20,000 Medicaid-eligible infants and toddlers. 20,000 D. Policy established that requires all lead child care teachers to have or be in progress towards an infant/toddler certificate. Increases child care quality to 10,000 infants/toddlers reached by these teachers who did not have certificates or were not in process of achieving certificate before this effort. 10,000 Target Policy Goal Achieved/Surpassed 43,300 Pritzker Children's Initiative: Presentation Title
Question: Legislative Timing Our state develops a biennial budget with a supplemental budget the other year. This will impact the timing of our progress with an Action Grant. Will this negatively impact our funding request? Answer: Not a problem. Nearly everyone will be in the same situation. …… Pritzker Children's Initiative: State Grant Competition
Question: Community Emphasis While we agree government agencies are important partners in our planning and implementation work, we anticipate some policy solutions are best led by community organizations. Does this negatively or positively impact our proposal? Answer: As long as your approach can get you to your proposed outcome of increasing services to a statewide goal of an additional 25%...... In Question 6, "How will innovative components of initiatives at the community...Can you share example(s) of what this might look like? Answer: One example would be a successful strategy at the local level that you will be working to implement statewide to increase services to families with children prenatal to age three. Pritzker Children's Initiative: State Grant Competition
Question – Priority Areas In Question 4, you ask about the status of the programs, services, etc. in the priority areas of the grant - do you mean the two identified policy priorities? So even if only focusing on one, we would provide status in both? Answer: If you’re only focusing on one priority area then no need to provide the status of both. Pritzker Children's Initiative: State Grant Competition
Question - Data What do we do for data without readily available disaggregated data? Is there some data where disaggregated data is prioritized? Answer: Don’t drive yourself crazy trying to get data that is not readily available. Definitely that was not our intent. Share what is readily available and don’t worry about the rest. Pritzker Children's Initiative: Presentation Title
Other Questions & Answers
For More Information All questions/answers, webinar recording link, application, etc. can all be found at the web link below. announces-prenatal-age-three-state-grant- competition/ Pritzker Children's Initiative: State Grant Competition