2018–19 State Migrant Speech and Debate Online Registration System Overview [Say the following:] Good morning everyone! Right now is a good time to do a sound check. Using the raise your hand function, please raise your hand if you can hear me. Welcome and thank you for joining us on our webinar, “2018–19 State Migrant Speech and Debate Online Registration System Overview.” My name is John Oses, a staff person in the Migrant Education Office at the California Department of Education, or CDE. As you may know, the CDE has contracted with Los Angeles County Office of Education’s (LACOE) Technology Services to develop the Online Speech and Debate Registration and Scoring System. Joining me from LACOE will be Krissy Smith, Senior System Specialist, Brian Yamamoto, Web Applications Manager, and Amalenalee Lule, Technology Services Contractor. This webinar is designed as an introduction to the Online Speech and Debate Registration System for Migrant Education Program Regions and Direct Funded District level staff. [Click to advance slide] 1
Webinar Participation Steps Mute your speaker Use the Chat to enter your region or district, name and job title Use the Chat to submit your questions. [Say the following:] For a successful experience with the webinar training, please follow these five steps to get ready for this webinar. Mute your speaker Please use the Chat function to enter your region or district’s name, your name, and job title at this time (I will give you a few seconds to do so). Use the Chat to submit your questions. [Click to advance slide]
Webinar Participation Steps Download the PowerPoint from the Webinar Interface If the sound is not coming through, please connect via telephone at 877-991-3753 and enter password 89774946# [Read slide] [Click to advance slide]
Outline Navigating the System Student Registration Others Registration Lodging Registration Completing the Registration Process [Say the following:] This webinar training provides a general overview of the Migrant Education Speech & Debate System, focusing on the following components: Navigating the System Student Registration Others Registration Lodging Registration Completing the Registration Process This webinar is just an introduction and general overview of the Speech & Debate Registration Process for Region Users. A future webinar will address the scoring components of the Speech and Debate Scoring Process for Region Users. [Click to advance slide]
Requesting an Account https://www.lacoe.edu/Technology/SPEECH-Account-Management-Form [Say the following:] https://www.lacoe.edu/Technology/SPEECH-Account-Management-Form In order to begin entering any registration information, please use the Speech & Debate Account Request Form to obtain a Region User Account. Please include: First Name Last Name Email Phone User Level: Select Regional Subgrantee/Direct Funded District Select correct Subgrantee from Dropdown User Type: Region User Submit Form Please Note that the Speech & Debate Account Request Form needs to be approved in order to obtain an account. Once CDE approves your request, you will receive an email with a temporary password. CDE recommends each Regional Subgrantee or Direct Funded District designate one person to be the Speech and Debate ;lead for registration. [Click to advance slide]
Initial Web Page https://speech.lacoe.edu/ [Say the following:] Once you receive your approval email, log into the initial web page which is found here: https://speech.lacoe.edu/ Please note that the recommended browser is Google Chrome. Once you’ve arrived at the initial web page, please provide the following information: Login: Username (EMAIL) Temporary Password Select “Remember Me”: option for Google Chrome Browsers only. [Click to advance slide]
Profile Settings [Say the following:] Once logged in, go to the account button to set up your password. The Account button gives the user three options: Profile Settings, Preference Settings, and Log Out button. Once you update your password: Select: Profile (Top Green Arrow) This area allows the user to edit: Full Name User Name (Email) Phone Number (not required). Next you change your password. (Click next for arrow change) Select Edit (Bottom Green Arrow) in the Profile Settings page. [Click to advance slide]
Password Change [Say the following:] Select Change Password [Click to advance slide]
Password Change (2) [Say the following:] To successfully change your password so it is unique to you alone, please fill out the highlighted areas: Current Password New Password Confirm Password [Click next for arrow button] Select SAVE [Click to advance slide]
Select State Tournament [Say the following:] Once User has their own log-in information, they are ready to start the State Registration Process. Select the State: Ventura County Office of Education Tournament (Green Arrow) [Click to advance slide]
State Tournament Information [Say the following:] Once the Ventura County Office of Education Tournament is selected, the Tournament Information appears. (Please Note: This is a sample state tournament only) Tournament Information (Please note: this information has been prepopulated by the Host Region Tournament Admin) Registration Date Tournament Date Nomination Due Date Location Lodging info Contact Info Contact Email Notes Attachments (This is where Region Users locate any attachments to download. Please Note: These downloads are specific to this tournament only. The Hotel Room Assignment Form is located here for Region Users to download) [Click to advance slide]
[Say the following:] Select the Registration Dropdown to initiate the Registration Process. [Click to advance slide]
Student Registration [Say the following:] Select Student under the Registration dropdown to initiate the Student Registration process. [Click Next to change arrow icon] Then select the ‘New Student’ button to add an individual student registration. [Click to advance slide]
Adding a New Student (1) [Say the following:] The Student Registration Form pops up. Please Note : It is necessary to scroll all the way down because there is additional info that is required to complete an individual Student Registration. [Click to advance slide]
Adding a New Student (2) [Say the following:] As mentioned, scrolling all the way down is necessary to complete an individual Student Registration. Attachments upload for an individual student is at the bottom of the form. Select Choose File to upload. (system supports .doc, .pdf, .xls, etc.) Click Save to ensure all data is registered in the system successfully. [Click to advance slide]
Required Fields Warning [Say the following:] Please Note: The system will not allow the Region User to save an individual student if the required information (items with asterisks) are not complete. This is an example of the error warnings when Required Fields are incomplete. Also, if ‘Meal Restrictions>> Yes’ is selected, a required specify text box will appear. If ‘Medical Alerts>> Yes’ is selected, a required specify text box will appear. [Click to advance slide]
Student Registration List [Say the following:] Once all students have been entered into the system successfully, they will be displayed in the Student List table. Please Note: Users will only see students in their Regional Subgrantee or Direct Funded District. The Host Region Tournament Admin will be able to view/edit ALL student registrations. Every column in the ‘Students List’ is sortable and there is a ‘search’ area (labeled ‘Search for Students’) in order to access student registrations quickly. [Click to advance slide]
Read Student Registration [Say the following:] Only Regional subgrantee and Direct Funded District Name, District, Name, Contest Type, Language, Grade, Gender, Medical Alerts, and Meal Restrictions are displayed in this table. If the user needs to access the student’s information completely, please select the first icon (green arrow). [Click to advance slide]
Read Only Student Registration [Say the following:] Again, do not forget to scroll all the way down to access full information (and attachments). [Click to advance slide]
Medical Restriction Icon [Say the following:] Medical Restriction Icon in the Student List table is demonstrated with a red triangle. [Click to advance slide]
Food Restriction Icon [Say the following:] Food Restriction Icon in the Student List table is demonstrated with a blue triangle. [Click to advance slide]
Edit Student Registration Icon [Say the following:] Select the pencil icon to edit an individual student’s registration form. [Click to advance slide]
Delete Student Registration Icon [Say the following:] Select the trashcan icon to delete an individual student’s registration form. The system will produce a confirmation pop-up to ensure student’s registrations are not deleted accidentally. [Click to advance slide]
Debate Team Registration [Say the following:] Once all participating students have been entered individually, the Regional Subgrantee or Direct Funded District User needs to create the Debate Teams. Select ‘Team’ under the Registration dropdown. Please Note: the debate team registrations must be created after the Student Registration process is complete. The system will not allow the User to edit an individual student’s registration form once they have been assigned to a team. *The only areas that will be closed for editing are the Region Assignment, Contest Type, Language, and Grade.* In the case of a debate student dropping out, the removal/editing process will be discussed in slide #29. [Click Next to change arrow icon] With this in mind, select the ‘Add Teams’ icon to create a Team Registration. [Click to advance slide]
New Debate Team Required Information [Say the following:] In order to create a debate team, the Regional Subgrantee or Direct Funded District, Language, and Grade fields need to be complete. (The system will not populate or save if these fields are not selected) [Click to advance slide]
New Debate Team [Say the following:] Once the Regional Subgrantee or Direct Funded District, Language, and Grade fields are selected, the ‘Available Students’ list will automatically pre-populate with students’ who meet the specified criteria. [Click to advance slide]
New Debate Team (2) [Say the following:] Select each student individually as demonstrated above. [Click to advance slide]
New Debate Team (3) [Say the following:] Then select one of the middle arrows: The Right Pointing arrow moves the selected student into the ‘Selected Students’ box and assigns them to the Debate Team. The Left Pointing arrow moves the selected students into the Available Students and removes them from the Debate Team. If a debate student drops out, please ‘remove’ them by moving the student to the right and into the ‘Available Students’ list. Once a debate student is removed from the team, the Region User will be able to delete their registration form from the Registration – Student List. [Click Next to change arrow icon] Select the ‘Save’ button to ensure the Debate Team is registered. [Click to advance slide]
Successful Debate Team Registration [Say the following:] Once all debate teams have been entered into the system successfully, they will be displayed in the Team Management table. Please Note: Users will only see debate teams in their Regional Subgrantees or Direct Funded Districts. The Host Region Tournament Admin will be able to view/edit ALL debate teams. Every column in the ‘Team Management’ list is sortable and there is a ‘search’ area (labeled ‘Search for teams’) in order to access debate teams swiftly. [Click to advance slide]
Judges & Others Registration [Say the following:] I will now pass the microphone to my colleague Krissy Smith from LACOE to talk to you about registering Judges and others. [Krissy takes over this portion of the presentation] Thank you John. Good morning my name is Krissy Smith and I am the, Senior System Specialist, at the LACOE-Technology Services. Once all participating debate teams have been registered, the Region User needs to register the ‘Others’ (Judges & Others). Select ‘Others’ under the Registration dropdown. Select the ‘’New Registration’ icon to register a Judge / Other participant. [Click to advance slide]
Judges & Others Registration [Say the following:] It is necessary to select Judge or Others before inputting any of the registrant’s information. [Click to advance slide]
Judge Registration [Say the following:] Once Judge is selected, the Contest Type, Grade, and Language fields will appear. Please Note: The Contest Type dropdown options are Speech or Debate The Grade dropdown options are Middle School or High School The Language dropdown options are English, Spanish, or Either (for bilingual judges) The ‘Attachments’ upload area is at the bottom of the form. Select Choose File to upload. (system supports .doc, .pdf, .xls, etc.) Click Save to ensure all data is registered in the system successfully. [Click to advance slide]
Others Registration [Say the following:] If you select Others, the options are Chaperone, Coach, Facilitator, or Volunteer Just like Judges, the ‘Attachments’ upload area is at the bottom of the form. Select Choose File to upload. (system supports .doc, .pdf, .xls, etc.) Click Save to ensure all data is registered in the system successfully. [Click to advance slide]
Others & Judges Registration [Say the following:] Please Note: The system will not allow the Region User to save an registrant if the required information (items with asterisks) are not complete. This is an example of the error warnings when ‘Required Fields’ are incomplete. Also, if ‘Meal Restrictions>> Yes’ is selected, a required specify text box will appear. If ‘Medical Alerts>> Yes’ is selected, a required specify text box will appear. [Click to advance slide]
Others & Judges Registration List [Say the following:] Once all Judges and Others have been entered into the system successfully, they will be displayed in the Others List table. Please Note: Users will only see Others assigned to their Regional Subgrantees or Direct Funded Districts. The Host Region Tournament Admin will be able to view/edit ALL “Other” registrations. Every column in the ‘Others List’ is sortable and there is a ‘search’ area (labeled ‘Search for Others’) in order to access registrations swiftly. Just like Student Registrations, Others also have Medical Alerts (Triangle warning sign in RED) and Food Restrictions (Triangle warning sign in BLUE). [Click to advance slide]
Lodging Cost Registration [Say the following:] Once all Other registrants are successfully entered into the system, the Region User will have to complete a Lodging Cost Registration Form. [Click Next to change arrow icon] Select Lodging under the Registration Form. Then select the ‘ADD’ button to create a new Lodging Cost Registration Form. [Click to advance slide]
Lodging Cost Registration [Say the following:] The Lodging Cost Registration has an automatic count of ‘Total number of students registered’ and ‘Total number of adults registered‘ for reference. Then the Region User will have to enter: The number of Single Occupancy The number of Double Occupancy The number of Triple Occupancy The number of Single Day Meals The “Attachments” upload area is at the bottom of the form. Select “Choose File” to upload. (system supports .doc, .pdf, .xls, etc.) *Please Note: This is where the User needs to upload the Hotel Rooming Assignment Form* A download Hotel Rooming Assignment Excel document is found in the State Tournament Information-Attachments. (Please refer to the slide #12) Click Save to ensure all data is registered in the system successfully. [Click to advance slide]
Lodging Cost Registration (2) [Say the following:] The cost will automatically be calculated. Also, at the bottom of the form there is a ‘Total Invoice’ cost that is automatically calculated. [Click to advance slide]
Successful Lodging Cost Registration [Say the following:] Once the Lodging Cost Details form is complete, it will be displayed in the Lodging Table. The system only allows one Lodging Cost Detail per Regional Subgrantee or Direct Funded District. (There will be a warning sign prohibiting the User from saving a duplicate form). If a change needs to be made, select the pencil icon in order to edit the existing form. Please Note: Users will only see their Lodging Cost Registration for their Regional Subgrantee and Direct Funded District. The Host Region Tournament Admin will be able to view/edit ALL Lodging Cost Forms. Every column in the Lodging Table is sortable and there is a ‘search’ area (labeled ‘Search for ’) in order to access forms swiftly. [Click to advance slide]
Registration Information Download [Say the following:] Once the registration is complete, the User is able to download their Registration Information in order to create a Purchase Order and/ or utilize the information for their own documentation. The download button is located in the Read Only button. (Green Arrow) [Click to advance slide]
Registration Information Download [Say the following:] Once the Read Only button is selected, the download button is available for Region Users. (Green Arrow) [Click to advance slide]
Registration Information Download [Say the following:] Above is a sample of the system generated Registration Information Download. [Click to advance slide]
Questions [Say the following:] This completed the State Migrant Speech and Debate Online Registration System Overview. At this point we can take any questions entered into the chat box. Please give us a few minutes to review the questions. [Click to advance slide]
System Questions Los Angeles County Office of Education Technology Services Migrant Online Application System Help Desk [Say the following:] Here is the contact information for the LACOE’s Help Desk. [Click to advance slide]
Thank you! John Oses Education Programs Consultant, CDE JOses@cde.ca.gov (916) 319-0227 Amalenalee Lule Technology Services Contractor, LACOE Brian Yamamoto Senior Systems Specialist, LACOE Krissy Smith Web Applications Manager, LACOE [John Says] This concludes our webinar. Thank you to all who logged in today. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you.