Rob Kool Chair Technology Collaboration Programme Rob.Kool@RVO.NL International Energy Agency Demand Side Management and energy efficiency Technology Collaboration Programme Rob Kool Chair Technology Collaboration Programme Rob.Kool@RVO.NL IEA DSM TCP IEA DSM Introduction
[How to use this presentation] [This presentation can be used in a modular way to create presentations of different length. For example: Presentation of 5 min: slides 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 20, 22 Presentation of 10 min: slides 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22 Presentation of 20 min: slides 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Presentation of 30 min: all slides except this one PLEASE REMOVE THIS SLIDE BEFORE USING THE PRESENTATION One of the 39 TCPs of the IEA Established in 1993 Members Interest from China and Middle East Formerly also from Thailand, but no follow-up since the coup d’état South Africa has announced membership in 2015 - Sponsors: Canadian province of Nova Scotia, the International Copper Association (ICA), Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) 8/13/2019 IEA DSM Introduction
What is IEA DSM TCP? An International Energy Agency (IEA) Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) (formerly called Implementing Agreement) on Demand Side Management (DSM) and energy efficiency 15 member countries + 3 sponsors One of the 39 TCPs of the IEA Established in 1993 Members Interest from China and Middle East Formerly also from Thailand, but no follow-up since the coup d’état South Africa has announced membership in 2015 - Sponsors: Canadian province of Nova Scotia, the International Copper Association (ICA), Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) + USA, India, South Korea, New-Zealand 8/13/2019 IEA DSM Introduction
Mission of the International Energy Agency Reliable The mission of the IEA is also our mission. We need security of supply We should reduce the Greenhouse Gas emissions We need to keep energy affordable Sustainable Energy Affordable 8/13/2019 IEA DSM Introduction
Activity domain of IEA DSM TCP (1) Demand Side Management (DSM) in the broad sense Load management Energy efficiency Energy conservation IEA DSM Introduction 8/13/2019
Activity domain of IEA DSM TCP (2) This includes integration with: demand side energy storage & distributed generation IEA DSM Introduction 8/13/2019
Activity domain of IEA DSM TCP (3) Not only a physical side: energy sources & technology … but also an important human side: the user! IEA DSM Introduction 8/13/2019
Vision of IEA DSM TCP – First choice DSM and energy efficiency should be first choice in all energy policy decisions designed to create more reliable and sustainable energy systems 8/13/2019 IEA DSM Introduction
Vision of IEA DSM TCP – Why first choice? Because: It reduces GHG emissions directly (energy savings) and indirectly (RES integration) DSM enables the integration of variable and distributed energy sources into reliable smart grids Energy conservation and efficiency make the energy transition affordable 8/13/2019 IEA DSM Introduction
Vision of IEA DSM TCP – Energy efficiency should be (1) Visible – market players should see it happening A priority – for policy makers and industry Affordable – all stakeholders should benefit Visible: The energy performance of end-use applications and services should be made visible to the market. Priority: The status and importance of energy efficiency should be raised. Affordable: Business models, financing vehicles and financial incentives should be created that guarantee the energy efficiency investors an appropriate share of benefits. IEA DSM Introduction
Vision of IEA DSM TCP – Energy efficiency should be (2) Obvious – top of mind Real – proven by measurements Realistic – with enough people to make it happen Obvious: Energy efficiency should become obvious if it is to endure. Learning benefits and economies of scale can help in making the most energy-efficient option also the most obvious one. Real: Monitoring, verification and enforcement activities should be able to proof any claimed energy savings. Realistic: The widespread adoption of energy efficient goods and services relies on a sufficient number of skilled practitioners in government and industry. IEA DSM Introduction
Mission and outreach of IEA DSM TCP We want to have policy relevance We provide material that is readily applicable for crafting and implementing policies and measures We want to contribute to technology progress and adoption We provide knowledge about technologies and applications We want to contribute to organisational and behavioural changes We provide insight that can make them happen Note: we are increasingly aiming at “annual” results instead of one big final result at the end of a long-term project.
Collaboration within IEA With the IEA secretariat (World Energy Outlook, Coordination Groups, Workshops) With other TCPs: 4E (end-use equipment – industrial, commercial and residential) ISGAN (smart grid technologies, practices and systems) EBC (energy conservation in buildings and community systems) Within EUWP (grouping all IEA TCPs on energy end-use) ISGAN creates a mechanism for multilateral government-to-government collaboration to advance the development and deployment of smarter electric grid technologies, practices, and systems. It aims to improve the understanding of smart grid technologies, practices, and systems and to promote adoption of related enabling government policies. ECBCS: Sharing the ESCO options and explore its further use within the build environment EUWP coordinates all IEA TCPs on energy end-use. It created a matrix that maps all TCP acticvities in order to seach overlaps and gaps IEA DSM Introduction
Ongoing tasks (1) Innovative Energy Services (Energy Contracting, ESCo Services) Integration of Demand Side Management, Energy Efficiency, Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Sources Behaviour change in DSM – Helping the Behaviour Changers Business models IEA DSM TCP consists of 25 tasks. 18 haven been finished, 3 have been going on for some time, and another 2 are just starting. All three these ongoing tasks are in collaboration with ISGAN IEA DSM Introduction
Ongoing Tasks (2) Task 16: Innovative Energy Services (Energy Contracting, ESCo Services ...) Simplified M&V Lessons learned for project and market development (e.g. ‘Facilitators’)
Ongoing Tasks (3) Integration of Demand Side Management, Energy Efficiency, Distributed Generation, and Renewable Energy Sources
Ongoing tasks (4) Helping agents of behavior change in DSM Foster mutual engagement, collaboration and shared learning amongst agents of behavior change Foster mutual engagement, collaboration and shared learning amongst agents of behavior change: Backbone support to set a common agenda, measurement systems, mutually reinforcing activities Monitor and evaluate behavior change in the context of EE projects
Ongoing Tasks (4) Business Models for a more effective market uptake of DSM energy services Identify proven and potentially successful business models for DSM energy services Develop effective policy strategies, stakeholder roadmaps and business models to upscale and spread these energy services “Business Models” is typically one for IEA DSM TCP and does not require a collaboration. We will combine knowledge from the previous tasks 16 (xxx) and 24 (xxx) for this new task.
Resulting products (short list) Publications of results (analyses, overviews, conclusions ) Articles for professional journals (including peer-reviewed academic literature) Workshops (and presentations at workshops and conferences) Training seminars and courses And also A growing pool of individuals and organisations that develop expertise in DSM Expert platforms Discussion forums with potential users, customers, decision-makers, etc. Social media presence IEA DSM Introduction
All them details… New website! A lot more information can be found on our new website. New website!
And more details Newsletter to members And in the new newsletter to our members.
Thanks (& my details…)