Family Physician - Innovation Grant Application Insert the title of your project List your name & email here List your practice/clinic here Today’s date Background on the problem or need that your project will address? Project methodology: List step-by-step your project plans. Provide a project timeline from start to finish including a presentation at the MAFP Innovation & Research Forum in winter. Share how you will evaluate and analyze your work. How will you know if you’ve met your purpose and goals/aims? Budget (up to $1,000): Provide a line item budget of how funds will be spent, e.g. supplies, professional services, recruitment, equipment, etc. We do not fund travel to conferences and only fund projects that take place in MN. Describe your project. What question are you answering or researching? Insert a photo of yourself: How is your project innovative? How is either different than what’s been done before or how does it build on other work? Why are you interested in this project? How is your project important to family medicine? How does it improve patient health and outcomes? List any project partners and funders: