GTR Corrections, Open Points, Expert Proposals and Confirmations in GTR 15 8/13/2019
Annex 7 Calculations 8/13/2019
Expert approval required Annex 7, Calculations, §3.1.2. 3.1.2. The mass M of gaseous compounds emitted by the vehicle during the test shall be determined by obtaining the product of the volumetric concentration of the gas in question and the volume of the diluted exhaust gas with due regard for the following densities under the reference conditions of 273.15 K (0 °C) and 101.325 kPa: STATUS AS OF 22.09.2014: Entered in the GTR requesting comments on the table of densities < 31.10.2014. STATUS AS OF 14.12.2014: see slide 113. 8/13/2019
Expert approval required Annex 7, Calculations, §3.1.3. STATUS AS OF 22.09.2014: Entered in the GTR requesting comments < 31.10.2014. 8/13/2019
Annex 7, Calculations (mass), § Expert approval required Annex 7, Calculations (mass), § PROPOSAL: Mass of the individual vehicle The selected test masses of vehicles H and L TML and TMH as determined in paragraph of Annex 4 shall be used as input for the interpolation method. The mass of the optional equipment m_o shall be calculated for the individual vehicle according to the following equation: m_o = ∑_(i=1)^n▒〖∆m_i 〗 (2229) where: m_o is the difference in mass between the individual vehicle and TM_L, kg; ∆m_ii is the mass of an individual option i on the vehicle (∆m_i ∆m_iis positive for an option that adds mass with respect to TM_L and vice versa), kg; n is the number of options that are different between the individual vehicle and test vehicle L. TASK: Approval of deletion of the text in red. Approved by the experts (AP) and incorporated accordingly in the GTR. STATUS AS OF 22.09.2014: Entered in the GTR requesting comments < 31.10.2014. 8/13/2019
Annex 7, Calculations, § Expert approval required STATUS AS OF 22.09.2014: Entered in the GTR requesting comments < 31.10.2014. 8/13/2019
Expert approval required Annex 7, Calculations, § GTR Text: OPEN POINT: 03.11.2014: DC asks whether a wind tunnel must be certified and if so, by who? C. Lueginger requested to pass onto the appropriate experts for comments. EXPERT PROPOSAL: 03.11.2014: Experts L. Bigi, A. Feucht, C. Lueginger propose to delete "certified". STATUS AS OF 16.11.2014: Entered on 03.11.2014 in the GTR as an expert proposal. 8/13/2019
Annex 7, Calculations, § GTR Text Expert approval required Annex 7, Calculations, § GTR Text TASK: OPEN POINT: 11.05.2014: Proposal from expert L. Hill. Approval from other experts requested. STATUS AS OF 22.09.2014: Entered in the GTR requesting comments < 31.10.2014. 8/13/2019
Annex 7, Calculations (mass) Expert approval required Proposal from Drafting Co.: Inserting this between and of Annex 7 would make that Annex more coherent. Annex 7, Calculations (mass) 5. Calculation of cycle energy demand Basis of the calculation is the target speed trace given in discrete time sample points t i between t start and t end . In case of the Class 2 and Class 3 cycles, t start =0 second and t end =1800 seconds. For a specific cycle phase, t start and t end shall be taken from Annex 1. For the calculation, each time sample point is interpreted as a time period. The duration ∆t of these periods depends on the sampling frequency (1 second for 1 Hz, 0.5 seconds for 2 Hz or 0.1 seconds for 10 Hz). TASK: Is the paragraph OK as is? 8/13/2019
Confirmation Annex 7, Calculations, §3.1.2. 3.1.2. The mass M of gaseous compounds emitted by the vehicle during the test shall be determined by obtaining the product of the volumetric concentration of the gas in question and the volume of the diluted exhaust gas with due regard for the following densities under the reference conditions of 273.15 K (0 °C) and 101.325 kPa: STATUS AS OF 16.10.2014: Following corrections submitted by T. Adam: Comment from Drafting Co.: As a rule in chemistry, the "1" in a chemical compound is not included, e.g. C1H1.85 is written simply as CH1.85. T. Adam supports the above chemical annotation using "1". 8/13/2019
Expert input requested Annex 7, Calculations, § GTR CORRECTION: 13.01.2015: This is essentially the same title as (see below). Can both nevertheless be retained? 8/13/2019
Expert input requested. Refer also to slide 95. Annex 7, Calculations, § & OPEN POINT: 13.01.2015: Could these calculations not be entered here? It would make for a connection between this paragraph and the next more logical. 8/13/2019
Expert input requested Annex 7, Calculations, § & OPEN POINT: 13.01.2015: The entire paragraph deals with road load calculations, which paragraphs and do not. If agreed, they should be renumbered as and 8/13/2019
End 8/13/2019