IDABC e-Invoicing – e-Ordering > Pilot of e-PRIOR Pilot evaluation meeting with Suppliers 07 May 2009 IDABC stands for Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to public Administrations, Business and Citizens
Welcome Date Event 15/01/09 Meeting: Explanation of the ICD v1 21/01/09 Deadline for comments on the ICD v1 06/02/09 Delivery of final ICD v1 Before 11/02/2009 Signature of the simplified Interchange Agreement 11/02/09 => 17/04/09 (30/04/09) Pilot on the Pre-Prod environment (Basic Invoice) 07/05/09 Workshop 1 (conclusions of the Pilot exercise, with the suppliers, IDABC, PEPPOL, members of Expert Group...)
Agenda e-PRIOR pilot results Questionnaire results Lessons learned Other points of interest Future calendar Open Discussion
e-PRIOR pilot results Questionnaire results Lessons learned Other points of interest Future calendar Open Discussion
Support category mapping
Support categorisation
Effort required (man-days)
Completion rate
e-PRIOR pilot results Questionnaire results Lessons learned Other points of interest Future calendar Open Discussion
Support questionnaire
Support questionnaire
e-PRIOR pilot results Questionnaire results Lessons learned Other points of interest Future calendar Open Discussion
Lessons learned Time required to sign the ICA because of possible internal and external administrative procedures. Additionally this process is paper based. The delay of Siemens and Dell in the pilot indicates that a formal Kick-Off meeting is relevant before the pilot and the future Conformance Testing exercise. Suppliers seem to not know/find their own GLN - e-PRIOR support has been looking-up the GLNs and providing them to the Supplier. Priorities of a Supplier can have an impact on the pilot timing and results. DIGIT/R2 needs to be involved in the Conformance Test design since DIGIT/R2 needs to approve the semantic mapping of the Invoices. The number of support calls decreases with a good understanding of the ICD. The mapping of the Suppliers’ data format to the UBL format was relatively easy. The establishment of the technical connection using web services over HTTPS was relatively easy. The environment of the Supplier or third party service provider can have an impact on the pilot progress.
e-PRIOR pilot results Questionnaire results Lessons learned Other points of interest Future calendar Questions and Answers
Other points of interest Dispute functionality Business validation of Invoice in paper format versus Invoice in electronic format
e-PRIOR pilot results Questionnaire results Lessons learned Other points of interest Future calendar Open Discussion
Future calendar Date Event 07/05/09 26/06/09 30/06/09 06/07/09 Workshop 1 (conclusions of the Pilot exercise, with the Suppliers, IDABC, PEPPOL, members of Expert Group...) 26/06/09 Delivery of draft ICD v2a, draft ICA and draft SCP 30/06/09 Meeting: Explanation of the ICD v2a, the ICA and the SCP 06/07/09 Deadline for comments on the ICD v2a, the ICA and the SCP 13/07/09 Delivery of final ICD v2a, ICA and SCP 15/07/09 – 11/09/09 Suppliers Conformance Testing on the Pre-Prod environment (Invoice with Dispute) 23/09/09 Workshop 2 01/10/09 GO LIVE (target date) Q4/09 – Q1/10 Similar events for e-Ordering and e-Catalogues
e-PRIOR pilot results Questionnaire results Lessons learned Other points of interest Future calendar Open Discussion
Open discussion