WBS 6.2.5 Stave Assembly Gabriella Sciolla L3 Subsystem Manager Brandeis U.S. ATLAS HL-LHC Upgrade DOE Independent Project / CD-3a Review Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, New York July 9-11, 2019
US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL Outline Deliverable Overview Technical Progress and Plans Progress since CD-1 Remaining work for CD-2 ES&H Quality Assurance and Control Cost and Schedule CD-3a Needs Risk Main Deliverable Risks External Dependencies Closing Remarks G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Deliverable Overview
Stave Assembly Deliverables Stave assembly is the last step in the production of the ITk Strip staves before the detectors are shipped to CERN In production, 196/206 staves will be assembled at BNL FY21-24 50% of the ATLAS barrel strip detector Receive and re-test components Stave cores from Yale Modules from BNL/LBNL/SCIPP End of Stave card from DESY Stave assembly Positioning and gluing of modules on cores with 50 μm precision Wire bonding Staves testing Both mechanical and electrical testing Shipping to CERN Staves received + tested before releasing them to international ATLAS G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
From the WBS dictionary WBS number: 6.2.5 WBS Title: Strips Tracker Stave Assembly WBS Dictionary Definition: WBS 6.2.5 refers to the loading of assembled modules (6.2.4) onto the stave cores (6.2.1) for the barrel part of the ITk silicon strip tracker as well as to the final mechanical measurement and electrical testing of the loaded staves. The ITk barrel detector consists of 392 staves configured in 4 readout layers. Each stave carries a total of 28 modules, 14 modules on each side. The US will deliver 196 working staves to the ATLAS tracker. All the assembled and tested modules built in the U.S., which correspond to 50% of all barrel modules, will be shipped to BNL where they will be mounted on stave cores. Also affixed to the stave will be an End-of-Stave (EOS) card supplied by a non-US institution. The module mounting process will use a custom-programmed XYZ stage to place and survey each module on the stave core. Once all modules are placed and glued, they will be wire bonded and put through an electrical test and final burn-in process. Quality assurance and testing will be provided at all stages. Brookhaven has the primary responsibility to provide technical resources, space, and supplies. Brandeis University manages the stave assembly and provides most of the labor associated with programming the XYZ stage and testing the loaded staves. Harvard University and University of Pennsylvania participate in various tasks related to the stave assembly, in particular DAQ and testing.
US Organization at L4 6.02 ITk Strips L2M: C. Haber (LBNL) Deputy: G. Sciolla (Brandeis) CQ.3 6.02.01 Stave Core L3M: J. Ashenfelter (Yale) 6.02.02 Readout Electronics L3M: E.Thomson (Penn) 6.02.03 Hybrids L3M: A. Ciocio (LBNL) 6.02.04 Modules L3M: G. van Nieuwenhuizen (BNL) 6.02.05 Stave Assembly L3M: G. Sciolla (Brandeis) Cores LBNL IC: C. Haber (LBNL) DCS/LV/HV IC: D. Lynn (BNL) Hbrd BNL IC: A. Tricoli (BNL) Mdls BNL IC: G. van Nieuwenhuizen (BNL) Stave BNL IC: D. Lynn (BNL) Cores Yale IC: J. Ashenfelter (Yale) Power Brd IC: J. Joseph (LBNL) Hbrd LBNL IC: A. Ciocio (LBNL) Mdls LBNL IC: A. Ciocio (LBNL) Stave Penn IC: M. Newcomer (Penn) Cores Iowa IC: S. Prell (Iowa St) ABC*,HCC*,AMAC IC: J. Kroll (Penn) Hbrd UCSC IC: A. Affolder (UCSC) Mdls UCSC IC: A. Affolder (UCSC) Stave Harvard IC: M. Morii (Harvard) Cores Mass IC: C. DallaPiccola (U.Mass) ABC*,HCC* IC: A. Grillo (UCSC) Test Duke IC: M. Kruse (Duke) Stave Brandeis IC: G. Sciolla (Brandeis) DC-DC IC: J. Ashenfelter (Yale) Test Mass IC: C. DallaPiccola (U.Mass) Test Iowa IC: U.Mallik (U.Iowa) Many in this community have collaborated since mid-1990’s. The 11 institutions are now tightly linked since formalizing these specific roles and responsibilities beginning in 2015. G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL Experience of the Team Institute Members Past Experience Relevant to this Deliverable BNL D. Lynn ITk strips since 2008; Former local support activity coordinator; HV Mux leader; General strips R&D Gerrit van Nieuwenhuizen WA98 Silicon Drift Detectors, PHOBOS Silicon Detector, STAR Intermediate Silicon Tracker, ATLAS ITk since 2015 P. Kuczewki, Senior Electronics Tech, STAR Silicon Vertex Tracker, ITk Strips, HV-Mux R. Burns Senior Mechanical Tech, ITk strips since 2010, stave core R&D C. Musso Electronics tech, wirebonding, 3D detector wirebonding and testing Brandeis G. Sciolla BaBar Drift Chamber; Directional Dark Matter Detectors R&D; ATLAS Muon System; ATLAS ITk since 2017 A. Duskin Mechanical engineer with >20 years of experience in ATLAS; Designed alignment for ATLAS Forward MDTs; LZ; ATLAS ITk since 2018 Harvard M. Morii Electronics for Kaon experiment at KEK; OPAL calorimeter; BaBar Drift Chamber; LUX; ATLAS Muon; ITk since 2017 S. Sansone Manager of Harvard Physics Dep. machine shop; ATLAS MDT; LSST Penn Engineering team Designed ITk chips! G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Stave Assembly Overview System of computers/monitors for real time feedback XYZ stage used for mounting, gluing, and surveying modules Camera Automated glue dispenser Stave mounted in assembly frame fixed to granite table. Mounting bridge G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Stave Testing Overview (2) Example of testing code Temporary testing station Questions: how is the cooling done? HFE7100 How long does it take? How do we envision to do the final testing? Max voltage input to volts: 500V; expected operation: 400V Pelican case used for shipping G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Technical Progress & Plans
Stave Assembly Project at a glance TM prototype: 1 full stave (FY17-2018) Electrical prototype: 1 stave with 3 electrical modules (FY18) Pre-production 1 (FY18-19) 2 x SS 13-modules electrical staves ABC130 chipset, 13-module bus tape design Pre-production 2 (FY19) 2 x LS 28-modules electrical staves New: *chipset and 14-module bus tape design Pre-production 3 (FY20) 9 x 28-module electrical staves, LS+SS Final electronics and stave cores Opportunity to finalize system and ramp up for production Production (Apr 2021-Jul 2024) Starting in April 2021 2018 Director's Review CD1 2019 Director's Review 2019 CD3a Huge amount of progress since CD1! We are on track to meet Project’s goals CQ.1 G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Technical progress since CD1: Electrical Prototype -- “Stavelet” Spring 2018: Completed assembly of first electrical prototype 3 electrical modules on a 13-module core First read out using ITSDAQ First measurements of noise, gain, etc. G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Technical progress since CD1: PP1-Stave1 Assembly completed in Sep 2018 Loaded with 12/13 electrical modules ABC-130 chips, first EoS card from DESY Deployed new volumetric glue dispenser ≈ 2 min, down from ≈ 8min Read out and electrically tested Results of noise, gain, etc. measurements according to specs Metrology results according to specs Shipped to RAL for first system test GBTx-based End-of-substructure card: DESY = Gigabit transmitter (optical fibers) – 4.8 GB/sec What we want eventually is LpGBT = Low power Gigabit Transmitter (optical fibers) – 10.24 GB/sec New glue dispenser G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Technical progress since 2018 DR: PP1-stave2 New Brandeis bridges PP1-Stave2 PP1-stave 2 completed in May 2018 Loaded with 13/13 electrical modules (130 chipset) Deployed new Brandeis bridge to mount modules Successfully tested parallel module mounting and glue dispending 2 modules/syringe First modules successfully read out and tested Will be used at BNL to perfect testing procedures G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Remaining Work for CD-2 Pre-production 2 Pre-production 3 (FY20) 2 x LS 28-modules electrical staves New: *chipset and 14-module bus tape design Stave 1 – IMPORTANT as it is the basis for Local Support FDR June-July : prep work for new stave core, assembly frame, LS sensors, bridges, EoS Aug: assemble and test side A Sep-Oct: assemble and test side B NB: first time slave EoS will be used! Nov: prepare for FDR Dec 2019: Local Support FDR Stave 2 – Goal: improve assembly and testing procedures Nov: assemble and test side A Dec: assemble and test side B Pre-production 3 (FY20) Preparation for PP3 will start early 2020 and by CD2 PP3 will be in full swing… RAMP UP ETC. Demonstration of assembly methods and completion of fully functional detector component with ~ final components G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
ATLAS Reviews for Stave Assembly Technical reviews at CERN include Preliminary Design Review Passed in Oct 2018 Topics reviewed: stave/petal cores, the mounting of modules/EOS, and the electrical/thermal/mechanical evaluations of the loaded staves/petals Final Design Review Schedules in ~ December 2019 Review will be based on assembly and testing of PP2-Stave 1 (US deliverable) Production Readiness Review Expected date: Late 2020 Once passed, production can start! CQ.7 G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
ES&H for Stave Assembly Safety is of the highest priority within the Project Work at each institute adheres strictly to its ES&H policies The BNL ES&H Liaison (L. Stiegler) provides oversight and advice Institute contacts act as interfaces between their institute and BNL Hazards in Stave Assembly are pretty low risk Robotic machinery (XYZ stage); mitigation: interlocks, barrier, ES&H training Glues; mitigation: gloves and eye protection, ES&H training CQ.6 Institute Institute ES&H Contact BNL Achim Franz (afranz@bnl.gov) Brandeis Andrew Finn (afinn@brandeis.edu) Harvard Tiffany Lee (tiffany_lee@harvard.edu) Penn Kimi Bush (kimibush@ehrs.upenn.edu) G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Cost and Schedule
US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL RLS Changes Since CD-1 The RLS has been quite stable since CD1 With the exception of some shifting of tasks due mainly to availability of parts (mainly ASICS) In sync with the international ATLAS Schedule Overall impact on schedule is minor Recovered later start in production by decreasing the duration of batches Last stave delivered at CERN: Aug 2024 (CD1) July 2024 Overall change in budget is contained +200k$ (after 2017 actuals are correctly taken into account) Budget changes described and approved in BCP-005 Total impact on this L3 system was +3% of the total L3 cost Main reasons for cost increase Need for additional cleanroom space at BNL during production ~50k$/year * 4 years + overhead CQ.2 5.9 -6.1 ~ 200k$ BNL increase of space charges (+50k/year * 4 years + overhead) G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL Cost Profile Updated G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
FTE by resource category About 40% of our manpower is uncosted In Stave Assy: Labor is 50% On-Project and 50% Scientific Labor Scientific labor mainly students/postdocs/faculty from Universities In principle vulnerable to funding of University Research Grants We are hopeful that DOE will continue and reward the University’s substantial contribution to the success of the project G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Strips Schedule – Stave Assembly We are here Critical Path? No Stave Assembly is not on the Critical Path until the very end of the project In production, schedule driven by hybrids/modules production G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Milestones CERN key dates: Due at CERN: Oct 1, 2024 Date in P6 End of pre-production 2 1/23/20 End of pre-production 3 3/29/21 10% of staves delivered at CERN 1/4/22 50% of staves delivered at CERN 1/6/23 100% of staves delivered at CERN 7/2/24 CERN key dates: Due at CERN: Oct 1, 2024 Float: 62 days (3 calendar months): gained ~ 2 months of float Aligned with International ATLAS Schedule Lowering in the pit starts on 4/1/2025 G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Long Lead Procurements G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Long Lead Procurements Drill Down One long lead procurement for SA: glue dispenser disposable parts From BoE: NB: direct cost G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL Why is it needed? CQ.5 We have been using this glue dispenser for about 1 year It took some work to optimize, but eventually obtained very satisfactory performance Gluing time went from ~ 10 min/module to ~ 2 minutes per module Our only worry is that over the years the manufacturer may stop producing the disposable parts Getting a new glue dispenser and re-optimizing gluing procedure would generate substantial delays (and unnecessary costs) Simple solution Buy all disposable parts before production starts instead of diluting the purchase over the years Not a huge item: 122k$ (direct) Local support FDR will review the assembly procedure: December 2019 G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Risk Management
Risk Overview for Stave Assembly Add Risk ID and when the expiration date G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Risk Description: Risk WBS 6.2.5 Type Threat Risk ID RD-06-02-05-002 Status Active Expires 3/18/2024 Title Underestimation of yield of staves Summary The assumption on the yield for loaded staves (95%) may be too optimistic. Additional loaded staves may be lost due to mechanical failure (e.g.: the cooling pipes break) or electrical failure (e.g.: staves are unreliable, noisy, or have bad data transmission performance). Owner Carl Haber Probability Pre 10% Post 3% Cost Lo $200K Hi $2,000K Schedule 0.5 2.0 Tech Impact 0(N) Post Mitg Prob 1(VL) Impact Score 3(H) Sched 1(L) Rank=70 Mitigation Re-test all components (modules and cores) before starting the assembly; carefully follow the procedure and apply a stringent Q&A during the stave assembly. Thorough testing of the staves needs to be performed as soon as production is completed or at completion of each side. Response If a problem is discovered after the stave is fully loaded, the stave will be tested thoroughly to understand the origin of the failure. If the problem is found to be in the stave core, the entire stave may be lost. In this case, the cost will be substantial Comments Averaged over the entire project cost ($40M) for 200 staves, the cost/stave is $0.2M. The high side cost is assuming 10 lost staves in addition to the assumed yield Phase Effected Pre-production/Production Carl: This is not a matter of # of good channels on the stave, instead bus tape was damaged, cooling loop broke, leak developed, etc. Stave is unecoverable. Gerrit: point out the 3% not the 10% in the discussion Risk: translate into yield loss for all the risks , what the impact is, where it comes from G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
External Dependencies CQ.4 Stave Assembly schedule is tightly linked to: Availability of parts Mainly modules and stave cores (internal dependencies) Main constraint EoS cards from DESY (external dependencies) International ATLAS schedule (external dependencies) Minor constraint External dependencies are contained Availability of EoS cards Slow start in preproduction Production: we expect all EoS to be delivered within the first 2 months Review dates (PDR, FDR, PRR) More complex dependencies than you’d think because these are joined reviews with stave cores and petals (both cores and assembly) G. Sciolla , ITK Strips – Stave Assembly Director's Review, May 14-16, 2019, BNL
Director's Review, May 14-16, 2019, BNL Closing Remarks Stave Assembly has made substantial progress since CD1 Completed electrical stave and PP1 (2 half staves) Starting PP2 now; will start PP3 in 2020 On target to start production in 2021: will build 50% of Strips Barrel staves (196) in FY21-24 RLS is in good shape and the risk register is up-to-date Float is 3 calendar months Strong team with good complementarity between BNL and Universities BNL provides mostly technical manpower and infrastructure Universities provide mainly physicists for s/w development and stave testing Dependencies mainly internal (modules, cores) External dependency on EoS resolved at the very beginning of production One long lead procurement (glue dispenser disposable parts) will eliminate risks ES&H: no major danger in Stave Assembly, but all procedures are in place Before CD2: successful completion of PP2-stave 1 28-module LS stave with star chipset Note the items 1-7 here follow the exact charge to the committee, so keep this order, it helps them in their writing G. Sciolla , ITK Strips – Stave Assembly Director's Review, May 14-16, 2019, BNL
Bio Sketch of L3 Manager Gabriella Sciolla, Professor of Physics, Brandeis University Member of ATLAS since 2011 ITK responsibilities US ATLAS Level-2 Strips Tracker Upgrade Construction deputy manager L3 manager for stave electrical assembly (5.2.5) Group heavily involved on stave assembly at BNL Other ATLAS roles Muon Combined Performance Convener (2014-2016) US Physics Advisor (2013-present) Selected committee activity: HEPAP, Fermilab PAC, SNOLab Board of Directors, SNOLab Science and Technical Review Committee, CPAD Previous experiments: DELPHI, BaBar, DMTPC G. Sciolla , ITK Strips – Stave Assembly CD1 Review, July 10-12, 2018, BNL
Risk Register (Stave Assembly) CQ.2 From DocDB 196-v21 G. Sciolla , ITK Strips – Stave Assembly Director's Review, May 14-16, 2019, BNL
Director's Review, May 14-16, 2019, BNL Risk Register (2) G. Sciolla , ITK Strips – Stave Assembly Director's Review, May 14-16, 2019, BNL
Director's Review, May 14-16, 2019, BNL Risk Register (3) G. Sciolla , ITK Strips – Stave Assembly Director's Review, May 14-16, 2019, BNL
Risk Description: Risk WBS 6.2.5 Type Threat Risk ID RD-06-02-05-001 Status Active Expires 3/18/2024 Title Problem with adhesive used to glue modules to stave. Summary Modules are attached with SE4445, a removable thermal silicone. This has been used extensively in the past. We could run into a problem with the use of this adhesive in large-scale production. Owner Carl Haber Probability Pre 20% Post 10% Cost Lo $48k Hi $192K Schedule 1 4 Tech Impact 0(N) Post Mitg Prob 3(L) Impact Score 2(M) Sched 2(M) Rank=60 Mitigation Careful QA on each batch of glue measuring the pull, peel, and shear strength to ensure that the specifications are met. Response Get a new batch of glue and test again before using Comments It takes a substantial amount of time to get a new batch. Max cost impact is due to 2 months of delay in the stave assembly schedule. Phase Effected Pre-production/Production G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Risk Description: Risk WBS 6.2.5 Type Threat Risk ID RD-06-02-05-003 Status Active Expires 3/18/2024 Title Stave does not meet electrical specification due to bad modules Summary Modules are tested before being mounted on the stave. None-the-less some staves may be found to be electrically unreliable or noisy due to defective modules or modules not properly wirebonded. Owner Carl Haber Probability Pre 10% Post 50% Cost Lo $48k Hi $98K Schedule 1 2 Tech Impact 0(N) Post Mitg Prob 1(VL) Impact Score 1(L) Sched 1(L) Rank=20 Mitigation Re-test modules before mounting them on the staves; carefully follow the procedure and apply a stringent Q&A during the stave assembly. Thorough testing of the staves needs to be performed as soon as production is completed or at completion of each side. Response If a problem is discovered, the stave will be tested thoroughly to understand the origin of the failure. If the problem is in a single module or electronics component, the stave will be set aside and the component(s) will be replaced at the end of Production. Comments The cost impact calculation takes into account the cost of the additional electronics components and of the manpower necessary to diagnose and fix the problem Phase Effected Pre-production/Production G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Risk Description: Risk WBS 6.2.5 Type Threat Risk ID RD-06-02-05-004 Status Active Expires 1/7/2021 Title End of Stave (EOS) card is delayed Summary The EOS is a German deliverable. It could be delayed Owner Carl Haber Probability Pre 25% Post 5% Cost Lo $10k Hi $20K Schedule 0 Tech Impact 2(M) Post Mitg Prob 1(VL) Impact Score 1(L) Sched 1(L) Rank=20 Mitigation We will prepare a dummy version of the EOS which will allow us to test the stave electrically and then be replaced with the EOS when it arrives- extra PP3 version Response The dummy versions will be installed and staves will be tested this way. Comments IT will take between $10k and $20k to build the dummy EoS. The impact to the schedule is negligible because the EoS cards will be all produced at the beginning of production. Even if they were late by a few months, we will be able to reabsorb the delay in the schedule. Phase Effected Pre-production/Very beginning of Production G. Sciolla, ITK Stave Assembly US ATLAS HL-LHC DOE IPR/CD-3a, July 9-11, 2019, BNL
Schedule for one Batch in Production From BoE: How long does it take to make a batch, what it takes too G. Sciolla , ITK Strips – Stave Assembly Director's Review, May 14-16, 2019, BNL
Director's Review, May 14-16, 2019, BNL Cost Estimate Type Equipment and materials: quotes Labor: past experience Blue: 0% uncertainly Red: Extrapolating from actuals – quotes 1.3? Analogy: Green: M4 , L4=1.4 – cost of assembly ??? Labor estimates are from recent experience in ITk Strip prototype construction as well as past experience building the SCT ATLAS detector (mainly Analogy) Estimates for equipment and material comes from quotes, recent purchases, and past experience (mainly quotes Extrapolating from Actuals) G. Sciolla , ITK Strips – Stave Assembly Director's Review, May 14-16, 2019, BNL