Pirates ! Nursery– Summer 2 English ; PSED Expressive Arts and Design Maths Say and use number names in order, up to 10. Recite some number names in order, continuing a count. Order numbers with support. Count reliably up to 10 objects. To practically find 1 less. Continue to name flat shapes. Use shapes to describe and make models, pictures and patterns. Recite number names in order. Begin to use language such as more and less, heavy and light. Count reliably up to 10 objects. Begin to use vocabulary involved in adding. Practically add 2 groups together. Name colours. Sort and match colours. Reading That’s not my Pirate The Treasure of Pirate Frank Ten Little Pirates Go Go Pirate Boat Pirate Pete Mrs Pirate Non Fiction- Rugy World Cup- Italy Phonics Phase 1 and 2 Writing Name writing ; New school rules – Ready, Respectful, Safe Turn Taking Healthy Choices Core Values PSED Dispositions and attitudes Focused circle time Preparation for transition Expressive Arts and Design Making Father’s Day Cards Pirate Islands Pirate Songs Creating Pirate Treasure Maps Pirate Role Play Knowledge and Understanding Floating and Sinking Beebots and Pirate Treasure Maps Rugby World Cup- Italy Tasting/Making Italian food Learning the Italian language Physical Development Dressing/undressing Managing own personal hygiene Using mark making implements with basic control Outdoor experiences plentiful, e.g. planting bulbs, making Fairy tale houses, etc. Simple games, e.g. hide and seek