Introducing… Moses Learning objective: To enquire into the history of Passover I can communicate why people celebrate events with family I can apply Shekinah, to why God has promised to help the Jews I can enquire into Moses and explain his role in Passover I like to think of the title in the X Factor style voice!
What kind of special days or occasions do we celebrate by having a meal with our family or friends?
Introducing… Moses Learning objective: To enquire into the history of Passover I can communicate why people celebrate events with family I can apply Shekinah, to why God has promised to help the Jews I can enquire into Moses and explain his role in Passover I like to think of the title in the X Factor style voice!
So what happens What happened next…? Using the next few slides go through what happened from Abraham to Moses, focussing really on the story of Joseph as this is how a lot of the Hebrews became enslaved in Egypt. Then introduce Moses.
This is the promise God has made to the Jewish people to protect them. Recap on the Covenant… Why are Jewish males circumcised? This allows each Jewish male to be part of the Jewish faith, and have protection from God. Keyword: Shekinah This is the promise God has made to the Jewish people to protect them. This is drawing out that all Jews are part of the Jewish faith, showing Shekinah (protection from God). Moses was born into a time when the Jewish people felt that God had left them as they were in so much pain and suffering. God reveals himself to the Hebrews through Exodus and saves them from slavery. This is going to be shown through the prince of Egypt Film.
Introducing… Moses Learning objective: To enquire into the history of Passover I can communicate why people celebrate events with family I can apply Shekinah, to why God has promised to help the Jews I can enquire into Moses and explain his role in Passover I like to think of the title in the X Factor style voice!
To do this watch Prince of Egypt with students,
Introducing… Moses Learning objective: To enquire into the history of Passover I can communicate why people celebrate events with family I can apply Shekinah, to why God has promised to help the Jews I can enquire into Moses and explain his role in Passover I like to think of the title in the X Factor style voice!