Module D Chapter 5 Function Frenzy Year 8 Module D Chapter 5 Function Frenzy 24 September 2019
Put todays date next to these learning objectives 3. Plotting Functions 24 September 2019 Put todays date next to these learning objectives plot coordinates in any quadrant 5b recognize straight-line graphs that are parallel to the x-or y-axis generate sets of positive value coordinates from a linear function 5a draw the graph of positive-value coordinates generated from a linear function generate sets of positive and negative values from a linear function 6c draw the graph of coordinates generated from a linear function 6b plot a simple linear function
plot coordinates in any quadrant 5b object coordinates Gold bar (5,9) Money bag £ (3,4) Money bag $ (0,2) Bronze coins (7,2) Blue gem (5,0) Gold goblet (8,-5) Silver coins (0, -3) Paper money (2, -9) Gold bars (-10, 10) Treasure chest (-5, 6) Gold ring (-7, 0) Crown (-2, -1) Pot of gold (-9, -5) Diamond heart (-4, -5) Blue treasure chest (-5, -10) Ziad needs to remember Across the corridor ⟶ Then up the stairs ⬆ 24 September 2019
MEP book 7.3 Graphs section 3.4 and 3.5 Practise with 10 Ticks Level 5 pack 4 page 23 – 26 MEP book 7.3 Graphs section 3.4 and 3.5 MEP Coordinates resource sheet 3 Level Up 5-7 exercise 5.3 question 1 24 September 2019